“How Oyedepo and Paul Adefarasin’s prophetic teachings took me from poverty to a place of prosperity”- Nigerian advertising executive David Uyi shares a mind blowing testimony
I saw this on Twitter and decided to share with you all.
Its a long read enjoy..
Leys read him:
A Thread- The time I sat with Aliko Dangote and what Bishop Oyedepo had to do with it.
As I’m heading out the door on advertising & kicking off a new career, I feel like God will be upset if I don’t tell people how he helped me. So I’m going to tell a few stories till Sunday

Now I’ve probably been to Winners Chapel about 7 or 8 times in my whole life. But that man Bishop Oyedepo has had such an influence on a few crazy successes I’ve had.
So a few years ago i lost a major ad account. My overhead for the quarter was killing me. Staff salaries, diesel costs etc. That day was a particularly terrible business day. I left the office so angry, drove home, sat on my couch sulking and cursing. I look in front of me ....
I look in front of me and there’s a stack of CD’s. Some from my failed Mogul Music venture
. Ontop of the pile is a dusty David Oyedepo CD. I pick it up & slot it in the DVD player. Let’s hear if this man has anything to say about me needing a new campaign.

CD starts playing. David Oyedepo is hollaring & roaring about faith in his usual style. I’m not even really listening to be honest. Then he says “ see a man diligent in his work he will stand before Kings, so are you diligent in your work. If you are say...
Oyedepo says , say you will stand before Kings. So I repeat after him I will stand before Kings. He says you will stand before billionaires and Kings. Repeat after me. So I repeat it. I’m good at advertising so I will stand before Kings. I didn’t finish listening. I shut it off.
So I’m still irritated at the day. I turn on FIFA. I’m diligent at that anyway. I take out the anger on few helpless people online. Beat every soul mercilessly I played that day. But his words are still ringing in my head.
Next morning I’m at my boys office. Femi Olagbaiye - One Music CEO. We are gisting, I had completely forgotten my prayer to stand before billionaires. I’m sitting before my dude just talking rubbish and laughing. My phone rings and it’s a woman’s voice ...
I remember her , I met her when I ran the Interswitch campaigns. She has a new job and President Goodluck Jonathan has just formed a new committee of billionares and her boss wants to meet me 

Now I’m at Femi’s office wearing T-shirt and Jeans. I speed home, I jump into my pool with my clothes in excitement. Then I come out dripping, rush upstairs and wear a mad suit 

. I swear on my life true story. Now mind you ‘ I don’t know who her boss is yet.

I get to her office and it’s Heirs Holdings. I’m sitting in the board room and Tony Elumelu walks in
. I’m mad excited. But as a guy man I bone, stretch out my hand and shake him. Very professional 

So @TonyOElumelu tells me about the Flood committee inaugurated by Goodluck Jonathan and they want me to create the ad campaign. He wants me to attend a meeting with his members. Now remember my Oyedepo confession from the previous day ? Listen
When I meet his team , it was full of the top people in this country. Folorunsho Alakija , Tony Elumleu , Alhaji Dangote, Florence Ita Giwa and a few other billionaires & industry captains, PE CEO’s , Northern Billionaires etc
So I kick off the campaign and it has all the top celebrities in the country re-enacting the flood scenario in my home swimming pool. TUface , Eku, Linda Ikeji, Wizkid, Burna Boy, JJ Okocha , Rita Dominic, Stephanie , Iyanya, Aki&PawPaw, Olisa Adibua , Banky W etc
Anyway the campaign was celebrated it was called “Flood with Love”. When my balance payment is delayed a bit. Mrs Alakija’s PA calls to tell me that Dangote wants to meet me. So I head to Alhaji’s office at Falomo with the BGL CEO.
I talked to Dangote for a while and he calls his people to write me a Cheque. Very cool man. I think I caught him admiring my watch a couple of times but as he is rich he didn’t ask. He can buy the watch company
. The balance is paid.

Anyway it all started because in my frustration i repeated it when David Oyedepo said “ say after me you will stand before Kings’. It happened the very next day after I heard him say that. . Absolute madness!!!
When you see woke twitter abuse certain Pastors. Just shut up. You are just killing your blessing if you join them. If you’re lost, frustrated , unfulfilled, praying for something. Go to Winners Chapel OTA. Do whatever Oyedepo tells you. Don’t argue. Just believe and calm down.
As I kick off a new career. I’m at the place I was when I started advertising. I have started listening to him again. Jesus is in that church. Tomorrow I’ll tell you the madddest Paul Adefarasin story. Absolutely crazy ! But for now. Google Oyedepo and do what he says.
I’m going to tell you a story of how I met Fola Adeola Ex GTB MD and what Bishop Oyedepo had to do with it. This was even scarier than the Aliko Dangote story.
Another Thread - How I met Fola Adeola Ex GTB Md and what Bishop Oyedepo had to do with it.
As I stated in the previous thread, I’m writing these stories because people ask me how I was able to go from a N15,000 month intern at SOU to earning millions from ad campaigns.
I could say hard work, perseverance, patience, diligence, creativity etc which would all be true. But comm’n you already know all that. I had an extra sauce of faith and I learned it from Adefarasin & Oyedepo. Since you know the foundation I want tell you about the extra sauce.
I have so many ridiculous stories of how I won ad campaigns and pitches I could write a book. So as an honor to God who helped me and as I’m exiting the game soon. I want to encourage someone lost, weak or depressed. You can find an anchor outside of you when there’s a storm.
This is a true story, lol absolutely no jara, no extras and I’ll mention names because I’m not afraid of anyone’s Daddy
. It’s so surreal as I type it i have my hair follicles standing straight. God is scary.

This is the back story so you understand the context of my depression that year. It’s February 2010 and I’m preparing to travel to Rio carnival with @shadeladipo and crew. My dad had tried to reach me a few times in the past month but I was so busy with clients I wasn’t calling.
So i knew I was traveling and I wanted to catch up. I called him and had a good laugh, had just bought him a car. He was happy. I was excited and after I dropped the phone. He died. As in he died. Look I was broken in a billion pieces. Guilt hugged me.
So that whole year depression sets in. Nothing is great. I hate my life. My office. Myself. The only light at the time outside my family was my girlfriend. Then we broke up cause I was too depressed
. Wicked Babe. I plunged further. My soul is empty.

It happened that year was political season, Goodluck was campaigning, Ribadu & others etc so my bro the CEO of Wildfusion Digital - @Abasiama Idaresit drags me to Abuja. He says get out of Lag. Chase politics money in Abuja. You’ll feel better when you win something. I prepare...
I prepare a very unique ad campaigns. Head to abuja with @Abasiama & the CEO of Afritickets- @OllyTC so I’m pitching DM2 to everyone. I need a win. The head of PDP’s campaign was a woman named Stella Oduah who ran a company called SPG. It takes ages to see her. Finally I do.
I pitch my campaign to her & her team and she asks for a bill. I give her my bill and I wait for a week. No news. I’m agitated. Abas & Olaotan have gone back to Lagos. I’m still in AbJ waiting for a campaign. So i decide to back to Lag defeated. My plane even almost crashed lol

I’m in Lagos. No father. No girlfriend. No campaign. My family is in mourning. I’m mourning. Then my staff brings me the Monday paper and I open it and lo and behold my campaign is in the paper.
. I’m so madddddd! I call Abj. Then I call Stella Oduah.

She tells me another ad agency brought the same ad campaign. Smh. So I’m upset. Word for word. Picture for picture. Nuance for Nuance. My exact campaign was running and I wasn’t paid a dime. Everyone advises me to forget. So I do. But I’m even worse now. Depression

Lagos is dark for me. I want to get out. I can’t breathe. Among my cd collection I have Bishop Oyedepo cds. I just start praying to God. I need a win. I need a lift. I need something. So I’m playing Oyedepo cds for about two days and @ nights. Then one night. One night. One night
Listen to me. Just listen. I’m repeating the words Oyedepo is saying in prayer. I’m in my living room and I fall asleep on the couch. In the dead of the night I have a dream. So real !!!!!! 

In the dream I’m in a small room. There’s a round table and two chairs. I’m sitting on one and there’s a man I’ve never seen sitting opp me. He says my name is Fola Adeola and I want to tell you my life story and he starts to tell me his story. Mind you I do not know who he is.
I wake up and I realize I know the name that’s ex GTB MD’s name. But why is he telling me his life story. I have never had dealings with him. I dismiss it as one of those ridiculous dreams and I carry on with my life and praying for my win. The next day I get a call from a girl
She says Uyi DM2. Yes!! Would you like to create ads for the Nuhu Ribadu campaign?
. Yes ! Come to the building opp Muri Okunola Park. Please come now. I drive there and that’s Ribadu’s campaign office. Super fast internet in that place man smh.

So I give a bill. They give me a deposit for 10 TV commercials for Ribadu. I’m happy God has answered me. I leave to return in a few days. When I get back someone says Ribadu has picked his running mate and he wants to meet you. So stay back this evening. I ask who ??????????????
The man says FOLA ADEOLA former GTB MD. I swear to you I didn’t move................
That evening Fola Adeola comes to the building. He is in a room. There are two chairs and a round table. He sits opposite me and says my name is Fola Adeola and I want to tell you my life story
I sat in that meeting with @ToluAjayi_ now of Insight communications. Fola Adeola renacts my whole dream to me. The most surreal thing to ever happen to me. Anyway I get the job deliver the Tv ads bar one that caused a lil ruckus. I get paid well enough and I got my win.
The point to my stories - I worked hard, I stressed, I believed in myself. But there was an extra sauce that came from outside me that gave me those jobs. Listening to Oyedepo opened faith in Jesus to me.
And everytime I listened and prayed his words something ridiculous happened
As I’m ending my career. I would be doing a great injustice if I didn’t open up how I jumped from N15,000 per month to Hundreds of millions and multi national ad campaigns. It wasn’t just hard work. It was God through men like Oyedepo & Adefarasin.
If you’re confused or depressed. It takes one word to change everything.I can’t remember what I prayed when I was listening to Bishop Oyedepo but it worked wonders. I hardly go to church. Have been to HOTR only 4 times this whole year.But that’s where my help came.God through men
I’ll do this till Sunday night. I’ll tell how I met Chief Edem Duke and what Oyedepo had to do with it and I’ll tell you one absolutely ridiculous Paul Adefarasin story. Just so you know when you can’t lift yourself. God has people who can lift you.
And for everyone telling me how I’m glorifying men.
I’m telling my personal story. Where you there ? You have yours. This is mine. This was how i got out of tight spots. God opened doors I failed to open when i listened to Oyedepo & Adefarasin. It’s my truth. I can’t deny it.
In all of this Oyedepo wasn’t beside me. I was just listening to tapes or watching YouTube & repeating the prayers in my house in my spare time. In between work & playing FIFA & going to clubs with my friends. I’ve been to his church about 7 times in my life. But God showed up.
So today is the final day of my series of of stories of how God helped my career. I went from earning to N15k per month intern to ad campaigns worth millions in a few months. I lost I won & I’m bowing out. People ask me how I did it.
My last stories are about one time when an angel helped me and what Bishop Oyedepo had to do with it and a Paul Adefarasin story. In all this I pray you find help in Jesus when you’re lost. Not drugs, fraud , rituals or crime. Someone can lift you if you just listen.
Another Thread- 3 - How I met Edem Duke - An Angel helps me - And what Oyedepo had to do with it.
These stories are absolutely 100% true. There’s not an iota of false hood in any of these tweets. Which is why I confidently tag names. These are my deeply personal experiences.
Please don’t let my stories make you think I don’t pray without Oyedepo or Adefarasin. I do all the time. And God answers. Sometimes I don’t even pray. I just get up and do what I need to do and it gets done. I have a personal relationship with God.
But my tweets are about the times in my career I was lost. I couldn’t bring myself out of my own mess and failure , either through self help or my own prayers. Without meeting these men , in my house by myself they helped me. True talk.
I could tell you how I won all those accounts or created those campaigns. But that’s for business school. These tweets are for your dark days. God will lift you and sometimes he will do it through you or through someone else’s words.
I used to walk into pitches for ad accounts by myself against teams of 10 or more from other ad agencies and I’d win the job by myself. The Client would ask where’s your own team and I would reply I’m the team. I had immense faith in God being with me and he was.
Where did I learn this faith? From men. Faith comes by hearing. And you hear men who teach you to trust God and it brings results. I prepared my pitches but the extra miraculous sauce came from God.
I learnt a lot from Oyedepo, Adefarasin , TD jakes etc. esp Oyedepo and I’ve only been to his church a handful of times. He wasn’t there or doesn’t know anything about me. I remember Dbanj telling me how he lay on the ground totally lost at Winners Chapel and prayed to be a star
Dbanj told me he lay on the grass at Winners Chapel when he got back from London and he was so confused and he prayed to be a superstar and God heard him. My point is you can rise on the foundations of true men of faith.
So here’s the story & it’s the genesis of how I ended up with all those dusty CD’s. I’m about 16 years old and the year is 1999. I live in Calabar. My dads building our new home & reduces my allowance. I’m upset like
. I need cash to hang with my G’s more than I need house jo.

So my mum pities me & gives me an art sculpture to sell and make some money. It was worth about 10k. My 1st foray into business
I’m excited , 10k is a lot at the time for a student. I shop this art work to every rich person I know, uncles, aunts, commissioners, Rich pple etc

I shopped the art work around for 4 months. Nobody buys it. Nobody wants it. Not even the closest people to me. I was super disappointed. I remember my dad saying to me once. You see how hard business is ? Even selling. Business is tough and you have to be tough. Anyway I failed
I’m broke. My father is focused on his new house. My new art business has flopped and I’m pissed. So I abandon it after trying again. I abandoned it so much I totally forgot the useless art existed. All doors were shut on that business.
So new to Calabar was a very wealthy man called Edem Duke. Who ended up later as Nigeria’s minister of tourism under Goodluck. This man was so rich and sought after by business men that as kid I only used to hear tales of his wealth. There was so much protocol to see him
So one Sunday morning. I had done some bad young boy things on Saturday night so I didn’t go to church. I was lying in bed lazing about. When I reach under my bed and there’s a book with the title “ Put Your Angels To Work “. I don’t how it got there or whose it is

It’s just roughly 10 pages so I start flipping through it. And the book in summary is talking about how I have guardian angels and I never use them because I don’t know how to command my guardian angels. That they were made to help me and I needed to command them. 

Hmm command an angel ?? What crap is this ? So I read the prayers about commanding the angel in the book and I think what should i ask my angel to do ? He has been idle all these years. Then it hits me 
. Where’s that damn art work I couldn’t sell for almost 8 months. 

So I search for the failed art and I place it in front of me and I say the prayer and scriptures in the book. I’m basically commanding my guardian angel to sell the dead art work for me. As I was praying I felt a fire in my chest. I swear to you.
Then a voice says to me in my heart. Clear as day. The voice says. Take it to Edem Duke. Now understand, I don’t know this man. Never seen him. Don’t know anyone who knows him. Don’t know where to find him. Don’t even really know what he looks like. That’s just stupid.
But the voice is clear, take it to edem duke. Go to his new hotel The Mirage & ask to see him. Sigh!! So I have a shower and I walk to the Mirage Hotel and I ask to see him
. The staff there look at me like is this one mad. Boy get out of here. So I leave dejected feeling dumb

As I’m walking home
head bowed. Feeling scammed by the fake angel prayer. The voice comes again and says go back in the evening. So I go home, ignore it. It’s rubbish. But about 7. I’m so disturbed to go back to the Mirage. So I get up and walk there.

I’m not expecting anything to be honest. This is like asking to see Mike Adenuga at Glo office with no appointment. That’s how ridiculous this is. Anyway I walk to the Mirage and when I get to the gate there’s a man leaning on the gatehouse wall all by himself. 

. It’s him, heart is beating fast. I walk up to him.I say my name. He says what do you want? I want to sell my art to you.

He says , how much ? I say 48,000.
. (Yeah I’m a crook) He says whattttt? I say it’s nice Sir. He says bring it tomorrow. He drives off. He had been waiting for me 

Next day i take the art to his office. He is not there but he left instructions that a kid will bring art and he should be paid unfailingly. His PA counts 48k cash and hands it to me. 48k at that time for me was like 500k now in Buhari era.
I go back home with 48k. I’m
stunned. I couldn’t sell this art for almost a year. Every door was shut. And I just sold it for 4 times the price because I read about asking my angel to do it. I search for the book and it’s the first time i ever see the name David Oyedepo.

That story. Is a microcosm of how I won ad accounts.
Hard work , belief , and Gods help.
I invested N140million cash in a business and it failed woefully because I kept saying negative things about it.
Everything I said came to pass. What you say is what you get!
When you are lost , depressed , failing and the storms don’t cease.
God is beside you. He needs faith from you to help you and you need to hear something for Faith to fire you up.
That’s why I listen to certain people when I’m lost. Oyedepo Adefarasin TD jakes Joseph Prince
Nobody is paying me for this. Don’t be deceived. I have no agenda except to help someone who cannot find the strength to change a bad situation. I have been low and suicidal myself. I came out many times from drowning by listening and believing what was preached.
And this is the formula. Never considered your situation over the word you hear. Ignore the bad signs and hang on with all your heart to what you hear. The signs will give in to the word of God at all times. It’s programmmed. That’s how God saved me.
Another Thread - The 4th Story
How my account kept getting replenished with almost the exact amount I took out of it. —— What Paul Adefarasin had to do with it.
My previous threads have mentioned how I met Dangote , Fola Adeola & Edem Duke via Oyedepo messages. I told no lies
So to reiterate and give background to this story. For some young kid out there going through darkness and confusion. I want you to know work hard , work your passion but there will be times hardwork isn’t enough to solve a problem and that’s where you need faith or a miracle.
I was a stubborn kid. Got suspended from Kings college,always in trouble in Navy Abeokuta. But stubborn kids are great because we also face failure with a resolute no.
Years of stubbornness teaches you to say no to obstacles.
stubborn kids who grow up to face life positively

I left SOU saatchi because i felt like I was the worst in advertising there.
Everyone was so good. I learnt a lot but I spent only 8 mths. Then i started my agency. I got so successful b4 I started shutting down. My success brought about 2 great agencies.
On the foundation of DM2 success. My best friend @abasiama started the mad agency Wildfusion digital & from Wildfusion my other brother @EditiEffiong started Anakle Digital.
3 of us are BFF’s from Calabar & we conquered a legacy sector in Lagos &it started from a preacher I heard
So I had finished NYSC and I was moving back to Lag when I drag myself lazily one Sunday to this church in calabar. The preacher says something that changed my life and I mentioned it to @Abasiama life and it changed his life. This is why it’s good to listen. You need just 1 word
The preacher is talking about the blessing of being a stranger. And he says everyone God made great in the Bible he 1st made a stranger. Think about it. Abraham moved. David went to sauls palace. Joseph- Egypt. Moses- wilderness. Jacob - went to Laban. Israel - Egypt etc.
Even Jesus had to come to earth. So I made up my mind to start a business in Lagos where I knew no one & Abas joined me and then @EditiEffiong joined Abas & 3 agencies. DM2 Wildfusion & Anakle Digital are born concurrently. This stranger blessing worked.
However I worked my butt off. I spent nights sleeping in the office preparing pitches. I listened to Oyedepo & Adefarasin as often as I could. I won accounts with 2 people when other agencies failed with 100 staff. But it wasn’t just hardwork and my tweets are for the extra.
So one year the most amazing thing happens to me and it is a word from Paul Adefarasin. But let me give you a background to how my faith works. I’m not a holy person or religious in any way. I’m just a believer. I hear something I believe and say it out.
I go to church late
. I sit at the back and I leave immediately after the offering
. Many times my mother has to call me on Sunday to go to church. I probably was in the club partying all Saturday and slept through Sunday, wake up FiFA. I’m in no way your model Christian.

But I learnt something about Jesus early. The highest form of holiness is faith. He would rather heal & bless prostitutes, runs girls , tax collectors &. thieves who have faith for what they ask than listen to religious people who are over familiar with the word or their teachers
My boy owns a massive club in Lag and he will leave the club Sunday morning 5 am to drive to OTA Winners Chapel to go worship. Jesus hears him.
Now I’m I saying live recklessly or don’t be holy. NO O!!!
But I’m saying never think because you haven’t been good your prayers are hindered. It’s a lie. Your sins & mine mean nothing to Jesus if you approach him in faith. This is why before he healed anyone, prostitute or thief he always 1st said ......
Your sins are forgiven. Why?? So you don’t focus on your sins & it hinders your faith because you think will he answer me
I just fornicated ?

He starts with - your sins are forgiven. So let’s get that your guilt out of the way now your faith has made you whole. Be it unto you
So back to Paul Adefarasin. It’s Passover night into the new year a few years ago. I’m going to the club with my friends. But as I don’t want to die in the new year, I make a quick detour through House On The Rock. 

. Abeg o! Make I go pray.

So HOTR then is still @ Muson Center. I get there late!! I’m so late I’m sitting in the garage watching on a screen and I can’t hear a word @pauladefarasin says. Except one statement that changed my whole new year 

. This was all I heard that night. 

He asks a question .. Do you know why Jesus gave the responsibility of the holding the money bag to Judas who was a known thief ? Then he answers “ because no matter how much Judas steals cash from that bag the supply is from heaven it can never finish”. Everyone screams

That statement didn’t leave me. As I was driving to the club from church. It filled my soul and I prayed in the car. Lord Jesus, pls help my ad agency.This year my account will be like your money bag because my supply is from you, my money won’t finish. I enter club go groove 

This next tweet is absolute truth. That year was madness. If took a major amount out of my company account .e.g let’s say N5m to pay for something. In less than two days Sprite will call me with a job of N5.5m. If I took out N800k , I would get a client pay me N850 in a week.
Now apply that to much higher amounts. I won so many jobs & pitches that year. I had to tell my babe the story. She claimed it was her good spirit. Me I knew where it came from
. My account got replenished with the same amount I took out throughout that whole year.

The next year it stopped 

. If I know I for talk 2 years. 

. That miracle astounds me. I prayed it again it didn’t work 

. But that year I heard just one word from Paul Adefarasin and I got that miracle.

So my point to you hustling in sorrow. I’ve been there.
Nigeria is difficult. You need an anchor outside yourself. As I leave advertising I can easily give TED talks about how genius I was but I know the truth. God just iced my cake because I listened and prayed the words I heard
Let me tell you how much listening to Oyedepo & Paul Adefarasin has helped me in dark times. It’s taught me to believe the Bible so much that It rubbed off on my friends. True story below. My homeboy calls me at 5am that his wife had a miscarriage. They had struggled for a kid..
For 5 years. She bled all Over the bed and she was on the hospital floor broken. He was a zombie. I told him what I heard Oyedepo say. Have you given her communion. He said no. I said bro you know what to do. That’s the weapon.
He drove out bought bread and wine and gave it to his wife for two days in the hospital and when the DR’s report came back. The Dr said if anyone sees my former report they’ll think I’m a fraud. They have a beautiful baby.
So my tweet as I finally exit this business is.
Work is great. You need connections. But as you do so.
You need God for dark periods when nothing, not even your prayers help you.
I find God listening to Oyedepo TD jakes Paul A Joseph Prince. It works.
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