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  • Ayetu Whitepaper Unveiled: Enabling Economic Innovation for Africa

    September 24, 2024 Today, Ayetu released the Ayetu Whitepaper, outlining the vision and
    strategy behind the Ayetu Network. Ayetu is a value and data network specifically designed for
    the continent of Africa. The whitepaper author, GoodBlock Founder & CEO, Douglas Horn,
    created the Ayetu vision over the past 18 months. He previously led the 2018 bootstrapped
    launch of the Telos Network and played a crucial role in establishing the Antelope coalition,
    driving innovation and collaboration within the blockchain space.
    In this latest work, Douglas Horn emphasizes the transformative potential of Ayetu, stating, “For
    too long, African nations have lagged behind the rest of the world in terms of general access to
    modern computer networks and platforms, universal financial access, and the myriad
    opportunities created from their synergistic combination…[Ayetu] will provide immediate and
    expansive improvements for its users and economies.”
    For those eager to dive deeper, you can read the full Ayetu whitepaper here.

    The Mission of Ayetu: Unlocking Africa’s Economic Potential

    Ayetu is on a mission to unlock the vast economic potential of Africa by addressing the systemic
    barriers that have hindered financial access and digital participation for those living in the
    continent. Despite possessing a wealth of natural and human resources, the continent has failed
    to fully capitalize on its opportunities, often falling prey to external exploitation.
    With a rapidly growing young population—approximately 60% of Africans are under
    25—coupled with an increasing adoption of digital technology, there is a unique opportunity to
    introduce new financial and data infrastructure that can have a massive impact on the
    communities that utilize it. Ayetu aims to empower people across Africa to seize this opportunity
    through self-directed growth by providing the tools needed for entrepreneurship, business
    development, and personal advancement.

    Core Features of Ayetu: A Robust Blockchain Solution Enabled by EASE

    Focusing on easy adoption and solving current, pressing problems in Africa, the Ayetu
    blockchain is equipped with a comprehensive suite of features designed to enhance usability,
    security, and accessibility for users. These features aim to address specific challenges faced by
    individuals and businesses across Africa, making financial tools more approachable.
    The Ayetu blockchain makes use of the recently announced EASE Protocol, designed by
    GoodBlock. EASE, which stands for Easy Adoption, Sequestered Encryption, presents a new
    paradigm in blockchain technology that aims to address the friction points that have limited
    mass adoption over the past fifteen years. There’s far too many features to dive into in this
    article, but the graphic below provides a high-level look at all of them and the areas they affect.
    Notable features include:
    ● Super App Interface: To maximize user convenience and security, the primary Ayetu
    interface will be a super app with a common codebase and unified experience for web
    app and mobile apps.
    ● Universal Basic Transactions: Enabled so that all users can participate in the system
    with a small number of free transactions per day.
    ● No-Code Smart Contracts: Eliminates this usage impediment by making customized
    smart contracts instantly available to any user simply by paying the small deployment fee
    and filling in a simple “wizard” questionnaire used to configure pre-compiled, audited
    smart contracts..
    ● ISO 20022-Compliant Smart Contracts: The first blockchain project to incorporate at
    the smart contract level, the incoming international standards for inter-bank messaging
    (replacing SWIFT)

    Economics of Ayetu: A BaaS Powered by ATU

    A unique economic model distinguishes Ayetu from other blockchain projects by avoiding
    reliance on a system token for transaction fees. Instead, Ayetu will take a Blockchain As A
    Service (BaaS) approach, accepting fiat stablecoins as part of its subscription fee schedules.
    This will enhance its appeal to a broader user base while ensuring stability and accessibility.
    Ayetu includes a revolutionary atomic intermediate transfer token to increase the efficiency of
    liquidity by orders of magnitude. This internal atomic exchange system is powered by the ATU
    token (Atomic Transaction Unit), an internal liquidity token to allow highly efficient exchange
    systems to operate. ATU tokens have a fixed supply of 1 billion created at the genesis of the
    blockchain and distributed as follows:
    ● 5% of the ATU tokens will be granted to founders and early contributors.
    ● 15% will be available for sale, offered through a DEX or exchange listing with no
    restrictions once purchased.
    ● 50% will be held in a Rewards Reserve to pay staking rewards to early users through the
    early phases of system growth and nascent usage, phasing out over 15 years on a
    modified linear emission-reduction schedule.
    ● 30% will be held as an ongoing liquidity reserve for major exchanges, centralized and

    Next Steps for Ayetu

    Ayetu is currently preparing for its official launch, with a strong focus on Nigeria and West Africa
    as its initial market. The growing community and ecosystem contributors in Africa have provided
    crucial feedback at every step, shaping the development of the Ayetu platform. Following this
    launch, Ayetu aims to expand its reach to other jurisdictions across Africa. The blockchain is
    currently operated on nodes in seven African countries in addition to one each in North America
    and Europe.
    For a more in-depth look at the intricacies of what makes Ayetu so powerful, be sure to check
    out the entire Ayetu Whitepaper.
    To learn more about the Ayetu network, visit the Ayetu website at and follow Ayetu on
    X for updates. Additionally, be sure to follow GoodBlock on X to stay in the loop on future
    updates for this and other products

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