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  • What I share about my husband is nobody’s business – Anita Joseph

    Actress Anita Joseph, has said that whatever she decides to post about her husband on social media is not anybody’s business

    What I share about my husband is nobody’s business - Anita Joseph
    What I share about my husband is nobody’s business – Anita Joseph

    Speaking with Saturday Beats, she said, “Many people assume a lot of things about my marriage, but it’s fine. People talk a lot online, but they should keep their opinions to themselves, and do what works for them.

    “For people who make social media posts about their husbands and children, I have heard people say things like, ‘When it is beautiful, they won’t remember to post.’ Well, it’s a lie. Post your happy moments if you want to; it is nobody’s business. I don’t know why they troll people who recently got married. It happened to me too. If I want to make posts about my husband 50 times a week, I can. I don’t care what people have to say.”

    “Marriage does not have a manual, so just do you. Everybody knows what works for them. I cannot share my ingredients with other people and expect it to work for them, because it might not turn out well. My husband and I actually dated for some time, and we had already built our marriage on the solid rock called Jesus Christ; and that is why we are still here. God has kept us because it has not been easy.”

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