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  • Photos: Jbronze CEO Joan Asamaigor stunning outfit to Eva's 40th birthday party

  • Jbronze CEO, Joan Asamaigor, stunned in a breathtaking outfit at Eva's 40th birthday party in Lagos last night! The event was a glamorous gathering of the crème de la crème of society, and Joan's fashion sense was truly out of this world. She perfectly represented her brand, Jbronze, with her impeccable style and elegance. Her outfit shone with glamor and glints, making her a standout at the prestigious celebration. Joan's presence was a testament to her exceptional taste and her ability to make a statement with her fashion sense. She undoubtedly made a lasting impression at Eva's milestone birthday party!

    Muse @Jbronzehair

    Outfit by @ericamoorebrand

    Makeup by @I.a.makeovers

    Style by @nell_j.styled

    Photography by @nell_j.styled

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