[Music] Isaiah Ameh - Great Emmanuel (prod. Larry Lahrey)
Nigerian uber talented Gospel music minister 'ISAIAH AMEH', is back with a new single to fill our spirits 'GREAT EMMANUEL'.
This is a follow up to his previous single 'WONDER WORKING GOD', and is produced by Larry Lahrey. Download and share;
(Thank you father)
1. What will I give to The Lord
You've been so good to me
You're The Great Emmanuel Baba mi o (Oh! my Father)
You've been caring for me
You've been loving me
Great Emmanuel You are
Great Provider, Wholesome Healer
Wonder Worker, Mighty God
Sin forgiver, Whirlwind stiller
Peace restorer, Mighty God.
We give you all the glory Emmanuel
We give you all the praise Emmanuel
For great things you have done Emmanuel
For great things you will do Emmanuel.
2. For all you've done
For all you do
You never stop proving your love
How can I repay so much Baba mi o(Oh! my Father)
With a grateful heart, lifted hands
Into your gates, I'll levitate
To tell You Jesus You mean the world to me.
[Back to Hook and Chorus]
Oh hallelujah! To The King of glory,
The Lord the lover of my soul.
Blessed be your holy name.
Blessed be The Lord who daily loads us with benefits
Even The God of our salvation. Let your name be lifted O God
Oh we worship you O God Emmanuel. Say with me now
Call: Emmanuel Resp: Emmanuel
Call: Emmanuel. Resp: Emmanuel
Call: Emmanuel. Resp: Emmanuel
Call: Emmanuel. Resp: Emmanuel
Call: For every tears you wiped away
Call: For all the battles you conquered for me
Call: I'm here today only by Your grace
Call: And for your mercies that never fails
Call: Emmanuel
Call: oh we give all the glory, we give all the praise, we give you all the honour Father. You are worthy to receive all the glory father, oh we worship you o God.
Call: Emmanuel
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