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  • By HDDF Publishing Team 

    God began to tell me a lot of things. He showed me some loopholes in the body of Christ. How many people go to church but there has not really been this modelling, discipling of people, raising men on one on one basis, that is, taking people's growth very very personal, getting down to the people and teaching them the word of God and helping them to grow. Then I think he told me that a discipleship school is possible and there were a lot of things I might not necessarily be able to share here right now because it is a very long vision but when he said a discipleship school is possible I didn't really understand what that meant so I had to call some of the people that I was involved with. Then I had to call them up, then I told them about it and said 'okay, what we are going to be doing is that we are going to be looking for people who want to grow then we are going to appoint them amongst ourselves. Then the way I treated them is the same way they will also treat others to see that people also grow.'

    That was what I did and I had to attach some few persons to the people I raised and we started it but I think at a point it was not really going through because people did not really understand what I was trying to say because I didn't really understand properly what the Holy Spirit was trying to tell me.

    I think one of the days I was praying concerning it and the Holy Spirit began to speak to me again. He reminded me of the vision, the open vision I saw and began to explain deeper to me, you know, he told me about a discipleship forum that would be there to help people grow spiritually. Not just spiritually, it is more like this is a place where young men and women will be raised and trained. They will be relevant in every aspect of life they find themselves and not just that, they will be there as an arrowhead for the kingdom of God. 

    So they will be raised in a structured platform where their growth will be monitored and will be systematic and it can be measured. This is very very important. So that was it and also began to expand the vision, talked about a medical institute and also a christian radio media station which will help disseminate kingdom information to Nigeria, Africa, to the world and also propagate the gospel and also it will be more like a trumpet that will sound the alarm. One of the scriptures that we had was Joel 2:1, it says 'blow the trumpet in Zion, sound the alarm, prepare the day of God's jubilee.' So the media is one of the tool that God has given us which is the trumpet to use to sound the alarm of the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and also prepare the saints, not just gathering people for Sunday services, but having a strong discipleship platform that when people come they enrol and are taken through these processes and they come out of it 'brutafied','firized' and engraced with everything that is needed to impact their generation positively.

    So that is just a little summary of the vision. So I think that should be on October 2018, that was when I received the vision. I think the third week of October 2018, that was when I received the vision and a couple of times I revisit the vision, read about the vision, I got to understand it better and it kept enlarging and I began to understand the depth of the vision and how to go about it. So along the process of time, the understanding of the vision became clearer.

    Actually the vision has four heads. One of it is the missions (the crusades and the soul winning head and the training, etc), then we have the medical institute. Then we now have the media. Let me just use the word media; the radio, television, etc; then number four is about a resort garden. An international resort centre that is going to be built. It's going to attract tourists  just to come to the place and as they are coming to hear God, they are coming to an environment that God inhabits. 

    Now the media which cuts across the radio and television, while I was trusting God that we just have to start from somewhere, what God told was, he was going to connect me with people to work with. 
    God has given me the blueprint of how it's going to be runned. It's just to have people around that will partner, connect, be part of the vision, that have the experience, then we will start pushing forward. I'm trusting God in a short time from now God is going to be connecting us. Just like the way he did for the medicals.

    So basically the vision is the making of men and women whose lives become living ministries as they dispel the kingdom of darkness in every sphere of human endeavours by the administration of revelation of light contained in God's word as they become God's delight. When you read it in the book of Isaiah 62:1-12, you will see the details of it. Where God said that 'I God will not rest until I see your righteousness glow as brightness and your salvation as a lamp that burneth and gentiles will see your light and they will come into the understanding of God.' And to carry this mandate, like, the mandate we were given is to raise and train ten million disciples all over the world in fifteen years and more beyond beginning from 2020. So evangelism has to do with their organisation of crusades, outreaches, missions, seminars and conferences. 

    The establishing, equipping, and extending; these are the structured discipleship program that will help everyone that comes into the umbrella to go through and become that which the vision is talking about. So the extending has to do with Believers' Nestling Foundation Course. This is the course that helps build a solid foundation for our Christian walk with God then equipping has to do with the Believers' Fledged Growth Course. This is a higher form of the Believers' Nestling Foundation Course. Then we have the extending, the Believers' Eagle Matured Course.

    Now I was told that every believer that goes through this program, this structured discipleship program successfully, will at the end of the day become an eagled christian. So that is just part of it. That is the mandate we were given and I just believe that God will have his way in everything we do and by the grace of God 2019 we had our first crusade. Okay, the first crusade we had it in Kogi state, Ajaokuta precisely and by the grace of God it was massive.
    We had souls, souls were won, there were healings, deliverances, miracles and we were able to give out clothing materials, welfare packages to the community.

    While 2020 we went to Kwara state.
    We were able to touch four communities; Basoyin, Fajeromi, Okanle.
    Four communities in number we were able to reach out to. This time around, we started the medical outreach with full force and we thank God for divine provision. We were able to reach out to people medically, spiritually we brought the gospel. We saw Muslims, traditional worshippers giving their lives to Christ. We saw healings; blind eyes opened, deaf heard, the lame walked, all manner of miracles. Over fifty souls were won for Christ in three days in that community. It was a massive help we received from God.

    Originally by DCN Adejor Isaiah
    Revised by HDDF Publishing Team

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