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  • Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby congratulates Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their engagement
  • The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby has congratulated Prince Harry and US actress Meghan Markle on their engagement.
    A statement issued by the Archbishop, reads:

    "I'm absolutely delighted to hear the news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are now engaged. I've met Prince Harry on a number of occasions and have always been struck by his commitment and passion for his charities, and his immense love for his family.
    Marriage is a special and joyous commitment, one that Jesus celebrated together with friends at the wedding in Cana. I'm so happy that Prince Harry and Ms Markle have chosen to make their vows before God.
    I wish them many years of love, happiness and fulfilment and ask that God blesses them throughout their married life together.

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