though it is said that a woman's face is like an open book that reveals
her state of mind, men need to beware of some women. Some women lie and
do it with an innocent face that can fool even the devil.
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As a man, don’t bet your life on everything your woman tells you
irrespective of how much you trust and adore her. The fact is that many
women lie to their significant others sometimes.
Sometimes, they lie to carry off a situation without hurting the
feelings of the men they love or to save themselves from trouble. Others
lie on some occasions to contain their emotions and pose as good women
so that they won’t be seen as jealous or possessive.
Telling white lies is no big deal for women when it comes to
playing it safe in their relationships. White lies are no big blunders
or massive betrayals, but small lies or ‘truth manipulated’ to handle a
But the fact remains that all lies, from little white untruths to
serious deceit, can be detrimental to any relationship. And while both
men and women are capable of being untruthful to their significant
other, they may not always do it for the same reasons.
Here are some lies women tell their unsuspecting partners in relationships:
1. How many men she has had s*x with
Unless you got married right out of secondary school, it’s likely
both you and your significant other have had more than one sexual
partner. Although you know this to be true, it doesn’t mean you won’t
cringe at the mention of their number. Which is why a woman might lie
when questioned about her sexual history.
2. Saying she’s fine when she’s not
One lie women tell is, “Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.” Anyone who’s
heard these words before probably doesn’t consider it much of a
punishable crime, but it is a lie, nonetheless. While it’s more
acceptable in platonic relationships, such as with a co-worker, there’s
no place for this little white lie in a romantic one.
A woman telling her partner she’s fine when something’s weighing on
her mind could end up making her feel isolated or resentful, he needs
to press her to unburden her heart.
3. How much something cost
Money will always be a topic of conversation, regardless of who
makes more of it. So, it’s quite possible a woman may be tempted to
fudge the truth as to how much that new outfit really cost.
Some women think telling their men how much something truly cost
will make these men judge them for their spending habits, while thinking
they are frivolous. But when it comes to money, though, it’s always
best to be honest with one’s partner.
4. Telling her partner he’s the best she’s ever had
Wanting to please your partner in bed is only natural, and vice
versa. Maybe you are with the person you are meant to be with for the
rest of your life, and that’s great. But the truth is, this doesn’t
always mean you will both be the best the other’s had. Some women lie to
their husbands about them being the best s*x they have ever had.
5. Fantasizing about someone else
Before you go getting your underwear in a twist, though, remember
you can’t control your thoughts, and neither can your partner. And while
it may not be the perfect scenario, it’s probably not done
purposefully. If you do decide you want to know the truth, be prepared
for an answer you may not want to hear.
Just think twice before you ask your woman whether she has
fantasies about another man, you might not like her answer unless you
want her to look you in the eyes and lie.
6. Having an orgasm
It’s not an urban legend by any means; some women have faked an
orgasm at one time or another. Regardless of the reasoning behind it,
it’s still a lie. Maybe she wanted it to be over. Or, perhaps she just
knew it wasn’t going to happen this time. Whatever the case, it’s
7. She wasn’t that into her ex
Anyone who’s devoted a significant amount of time to someone else
surely had feelings for them, even if they no longer do. A woman may lie
about how she felt about an ex for a few different reasons.
She might do it to come across as a good girl, to make it seem like
she wasn’t endlessly searching for the right person, or just to protect
her partner’s feelings.
Credits: The Sun
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