in a relationship with a possessive partner is emotionally draining and
physically tiring. As a man or woman, being possessive over your
partner can only damage the relationship.
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There are many reasons why people might feel possessive in their
relationship, including having trust issues, being jealous, or having
low self-esteem.
Here are some tips to keep things in perspective if you feel yourself or your partner spiralling into a possessive state.
1. Forget about the past
Maybe you have been cheated on or lied to before, but this is a new
relationship. Don’t let the past ruin what you have going for you now.
Your partner is a different person than your ex, and deserves a fresh
start. Not to mention, you will feel better if you let the past go. You
can’t change anything that’s already happened, so release the past hurt
and focus on the relationship you’re in now.
2. Don’t be overbearing
The more you worry your partner doesn’t love you or isn’t being
honest with you, the more you will push him or her away. No one wants to
be with a needy person, so don’t pile all your fears and worries about
love on your partner. Trust that they love you because they chose to be
in a relationship with you. If you make your partner feel like they have
done something bad even when they haven’t, they might wonder what it is
worth to be good.
3. Live your own life
If you have your own job, your own hobbies, and your own social
life, then you will be a more interesting person to your partner. It’s
important to spend time together, of course, but it’s also fun to spend
time apart and have different things to share and talk about when you’re
4. Don’t let jealousy eat you alive
Jealousy is not only a fast relationship killer, but it will make
you feel bitter and hateful in your daily life. That green-eyed monster
is quick to cut you down and make you feel worthless. Turn that attitude
into something positive by realizing that your partner is with you
because you are a great, quality person all on your own. You don’t need
to be jealous about anyone else they may be spending time with. Make
sure you know your self-worth and realize that your partner is lucky to
be with you.
5. Know each other’s friends
A great way to keep from being jealous is to be familiar with each
other’s social circles. If you know who your partner is spending time
with, you will know there’s no reason to worry. An added bonus is that
you might like their friends and want to spend time with them as well.
6. Don’t try to change your partner
You knew who your partner was when you got involved in the
relationship—why do you want to change him or her now? Telling yourself
that the other person needs to change could just be your easy answer to
any problem you might be having in the relationship.
7. Try to find the root of the problem
Why do you feel possessive in your relationship? Whether it’s a
fear from a past relationship, or even something that happened in
childhood, you need to figure out what is causing you to feel and act
this way. It will help you come to terms with your issue and conquer it,
which in turn will make you feel better and will help future
8. Trust your partner and yourself
Often people feel insecure about others because they are projecting
something they see in themselves. You might worry that your partner
flirts when he or she goes out with friends because you flirt when you
go out with friends.
9. Don’t spy
Checking emails of an account that’s been left open, scrolling
through sent text messages, perusing the browser history, it might seem
normal and harmless, but it’s creating cracks in the relationship. You
clearly think there’s something to find, and that hurts the trust you
have or should have for your partner.
Not to mention, it’s awkward if they catch you. Keep yourself busy.
Do something in another room while they are on the phone so you are not
tempted to eavesdrop. Make sure you each sign out of your email
accounts before leaving the computer. Over time, if you don’t have
chances to spy, it will slip from your mind and you will stop feeling
the urge to keep tabs on your partner.
10. Be open about your issues
Tell your partner how you feel, without making it sound like you
are blaming them. Tell them about the issue from your past that makes it
hard for you to trust. Tell them how you feel when they do certain
things. Make sure you are presenting things as an open dialog, not as a
fight. If you are open and honest about things that bother you, your
partner is more likely to hear you out. If you are both on the same
page, it will help you to stop being possessive. Once everything is out
in the open, you can start working through it together.
Credits: The Sun
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