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  • 8 Types of Women You Should Totally Avoid
  • The Barbie

    Very great looks. totally makes all the other guys jealous of you… but that’s all there is about her.
    No brains whatsoever. What’s worse, she never makes any attempt to get knowledge [or maybe she really just can’t.]

    The entitled

    [Cue in Mr. Eazi‘s song; ‘Hollup’]
    This woman thinks the world revolves around her, she thinks she deserves everything you do for her. Even the love you have for her, she feels it is deserved.

    Guess what happens when a woman is like this: she becomes ungrateful. You don’t need this kind of woman who takes you and your love for granted.
    See the rest in next page

    The greatly insecure

    Admittedly, many people have one insecurity or another, but this kind of woman takes insecurity to a whole new level.

    Constantly fishing for compliments to validate her self-worth, never confident in how great she is, or in her abilities.

    Miss Perfectionist

    If you treasure your mental health, you’ll learn to never come close to this kind of woman.

    Given the potential of men to be a bit disorganised [actually, more than a bit], one of the worst things you can do to yourself is being with a woman who is obsessed about everything being spic-span and orderly always.
    You could literally die of the headache.

    Drama queen

    The problem with her is that she’s unable of owning up to her faults and taking responsibility for her own actions.
    She also seems most perfect at blowing small issues into mighty wahala.

    The materialistic

    To this kind of woman, it’s all about the money. She believes your role in her life is to shower her with gifts and cash as your only way of loving her.

    The ultra-dependent
    The type of woman who literally can’t live without you. With this type of woman, say complete bye bye to your days of doing anything by yourself.

    She’ll always want you by her side. She’ll always want to be by yours. She may depend on you for her next breath.

    Yeah. She’s dependent like that.

    The smooth player

    She plays on your emotions, not really committing to anything more than a casual relationship because her sights are still set on other guys.
    That’s how she rolls.

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