This is part two of Fani Kayode's article HEAD BLOODIED BUT NOT BOWED
Though rather belated, I hereby congratulate President-elect Donald
Trump on a magnificent victory at the polls in America and I wish him
I have been an ardent supporter of a Trump presidency for the last one
year and I wrote two essays predicting his victory and stating the
reasons why I supported him during the primaries and before the election
More importantly the election of Trump was a fulfilment of prophecy. His
ascension to power was propelled by a force and power that is not of
this world and that simply cannot be resisted by any human being or
satanic conspiracy. Simply put the Lord Himself raised and prepared
Trump and He will use him to bring glory to His name, to effect His
purpose and to establish His counsel and will in the United States of
America and indeed the entire free world. Most importantly
I celebrate the fact that with His son and servant Donald J. Trump in the saddle, God Himself will be back in the White House and good old fashioned Christian values will once again be cherished and espoused by the leader of the leader of the free world and the most powerful man on earth.
I celebrate the fact that with His son and servant Donald J. Trump in the saddle, God Himself will be back in the White House and good old fashioned Christian values will once again be cherished and espoused by the leader of the leader of the free world and the most powerful man on earth.
If I can say that I had at least one beautiful moment in the last three
weeks during my illegal incarceration by the EFCC this was it. As the
news filtered into the underground cells that Trump had won I shouted
“praise the Lord” at the top of my voice to the utter amazement and
chagrin of my cell-mates and the cell-guards. Finally let it be clearly
understood that the implications of a Trump presidency for Nigeria are
far-reaching and self-evident.
Those that came to power last year on the the mantle of islamic domination, religious intolerance and racial discrimination and that espoused the most hideous form of ethnic bigotry and religious fanatacism certainly have a lot of soul-searching to do because there friends in the Obama White House are on their way out and their darling Hilary is not coming in to replace him.
Those that came to power last year on the the mantle of islamic domination, religious intolerance and racial discrimination and that espoused the most hideous form of ethnic bigotry and religious fanatacism certainly have a lot of soul-searching to do because there friends in the Obama White House are on their way out and their darling Hilary is not coming in to replace him.
I assure you that President Donald Trump, who I have known and studied
closely for many years, will literally give them hell. Not only will he
resist their constant and gross violations of human rights and civil
liberties but he will.also bring them to justice for their regular use
of genocide against religious and ethnic minorities in our country. He
will also confront their hidden agenda to islamise Nigeria and turn us
into a nation of ethnic and religious vassals that must bow before
President Muhammadu Buhari and his kinsmen.
For those that wield political power in Nigeria and for the small cabal
of ethnic hegemonists, “born to rule” irredentists and religious bigots
that run the affairs of our nation, the writing is on the wall. Their
days are numbered because those that put them in power from America have
themselves been shamed and removed from power by the Living God. In the
next few years many changes will take place in politics throughout the
world as the forces of Christendom and right-wing nationalism ride on
the crest of a rising tide and a beautiful wave.
Nothing will be able to stop the irresistable and righteous quest for self-determination and the reawakening of ancient cultural identitities all over the world in the next few months which has come as a consequence of the Trump victory. It started with Brexit in the United Kingdom and the rise of right wing and ultra nationalist political parties like Marie Le Pen’s National Front in France, Italy, Holland and Germany. It has now culminated in a Trump victory in the United States of America.
Nothing will be able to stop the irresistable and righteous quest for self-determination and the reawakening of ancient cultural identitities all over the world in the next few months which has come as a consequence of the Trump victory. It started with Brexit in the United Kingdom and the rise of right wing and ultra nationalist political parties like Marie Le Pen’s National Front in France, Italy, Holland and Germany. It has now culminated in a Trump victory in the United States of America.
Throughout the world there is a new, strong and rising tide of
resisitance to governmental tyranny, the propagatiion of political
correctness, the imposition of foreign and alien values, the
establishment of state-sponsored slavery, the promotion of
anti-Judeo-Christian philosophies, the enforcement of religious bigotry
and servitude, the pampering and accomodation of radical islam and
terror and the supression of ethnic and religious minorities. We in
Nigeria will not be left out. The time for our final emancipation and
permanent liberation from the representatives of satan on earth, the
foces of darkness and our internal colonial masters are at hand.
Freedom beckons and greatness calls all those who dare to believe and who are courageous enough to damn the consequences and take it. If Trump can turn the tide and the tables in America then we, by the grace of God, can also do it here.
Freedom beckons and greatness calls all those who dare to believe and who are courageous enough to damn the consequences and take it. If Trump can turn the tide and the tables in America then we, by the grace of God, can also do it here.
As my friend Jackie Macgunn wrote on Facebook, “A Putin/Trump/Netanyahu
coalition is the worst nightmare for the world sponsors of terror and
marks the end of an era of the Washington apologists for ISIS, AL Qaeda,
AL Nusra, the Taliban, AL Shabab, Boko Haram and the Fulani militants
and herdsmen”.
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