It is with great joy that I recieved the message below today, the Ibeshe community who has been recently plaqued with evil from daredevil occultic group known as Baddo as stepped up to curb the evil act and it didn’t take long before they preside
Read the message below;
It is with great joy that I recieved the message below today, the Ibeshe community who has been recently plaqued with evil from daredevil occultic group known as Baddo as stepped up to curb the evil act and it didn’t take long before they preside
Read the message below;
We the members of Lasori Abuja CDA Appreciate All the Active CDAs in Ibesheland, Who volunteer them self to work as Vigilante towards safeguarding their people and thier properties. We don Catch BADDO at Owode Rabaka. Ibesheland Joint CDA, Good job
Baddo has killed more than 20 people, leaving scores injured and tattered for life. This is not the first time his arrest has been reported, we can only hope the ‘Real Baddo’ has been caught
We shall keep you abreast as event unfolds.
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