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  • Britain's fattest woman dumped by her boyfriend after losing weight
  • A woman who now weighs 40st has reportedly been dumped by her boyfriend after losing weight.

    Georgia Davis once tipped the scales at 60st and was dubbed "the take-away princess" and "Britain's fattest teenager", but her desire to lose weight appears to have not gone down well with her 9st ex Matthew Takel,Daily Mirror reports..
    According to a friend, Matthew - who works as a cleaner in a gym - was said to be “a bit put-out” she had now set her sights on slimming down, rather than on him.

    The pair declined to talk about the split, but Georgia did lament her loss on Facebook, writing: “Well that’s another relationship over.“I guess that’s life. I’m going to concentrate on myself for a while.”
    Georgia previously needed to be lifted from her home with a crane and into a reinforced ambulance when she needed treatment for a severe infection last year.

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