Government is meant to protect her citizens and property but in Nigeria the reverse is now the case. Few years ago, Nigerians were anxiously concerned on how the federal government can tackle the corrosive and caustic corruption, education, agriculture and power failure, but the recurring spate of hapless killings in the Northern parts of Nigeria diverted the minds of Nigerians to make the federal government to concentrate on tackling security threats in the country.
Since the current insurgency started in 2009, it has innocently killed 20,000 and displaced 2.3 Million from their homes for no just cause and was ranked as the world's deadliest terror group by the Global Terrorism Index in 2015. After its founding in 2002, Boko Haram's increasing radicalization led to a violent uprising in July 2009 in which its lead was summarily executed. But the federal government has also abysmally failed to bring the unsympathetic committers to book.
The emergence of this extremist called "Boko Haram" which means against western education has gone beyond the educational philosophy but politically motivated by some elements that derived joy in seeing fellow human beings being slaughtered as domestic animals and rendered homeless. It is apparently clear that Boko Haram members are not unlettered as it was formerly described but assembled with highly educated people who are sponsored to disintegrated Nigeria.
The cold heart and ruthless killings has also affected the security agencies deployed to these Northern parts of the country. Though Boko Haram has not yet made it clear to Nigeria while the continuous bombings of prosperity and hapless killings of people, unlike when the Niger-Delta militants made their demands known to the federal government and amnesty extended to them without no rancor.
The countless bombing of churches,mosques,schools,
Apart from food insecurity,financial insecurity and others,security failure as eaten deep into the fabrics of the society making Nigerians not to be confidence anymore. Boko Haram insurgence does not stop churches from evangelizing the gospel of Christ in the north as far Christ continues been made by Boko Haram members to bomb government institutions but recently intercepted by our trained security operatives in Nigeria. The fear of living in the Northern region is the beginning of many Nigerians being rendered homeless.
The worst is the security unrest at a frightening level where the Hausa and Fulani herdsmen now sacking so many people from their farmlands through sophisticated arms and ammunition, while many farmers have been unjustly killed by these desperate cattle rearers who want to take possession of their farmlands by force.
With the ongoing national conference, insecurity should be critically addressed with the spate of unemployment among our growing youths in Nigeria. The issue of Boko Haram sponsors that causes political havoc on innocent Nigerians should be seriously tackled to bring these elements to book.
Thousands of security operatives had sacrificed their precious lives in protecting Nigerians from Boko Haram onslaught. Again, the state of youth unemployment in Nigeria, Boko Haram will continue to increase if necessary machineries are not put in place to combat the situation.
In all, what we need is a good government, no more no less. And a good
government is possible in as much as people who are put in positions of
authority are allowed and are committed to discharge their duties
without fear or favour; are determined to serve with zeal and
patriotism; are not ready to sell out to international capital and are
ready to stand by the truth and die for it. In all, there is no mono
cultural theory that is a cure-all to the diverse nature of insecurity
in Nigeria but I believed and stand by the theory that Nigeria should
evolve into six regions, each region having its Premier or Governor,
each region has a right to retain its states or to abolish- the choice
is theirs in the region to make; each region should be in charge of its
Education, Security, Health, Agriculture, Housing, Transport and Energy
policies. The Central Government should be in charge of the Army,
Central Bank, Customs, Prisons and Immigration services, MOPOL and
The objections to this Soveriegn National Conference are coming
significantly from the core north to the people from that region that
the fallout from that conference would sufficiently be in their favour.
Pessimism is a social disease but in a society of rights, it is right!
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