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  • Lamentations Of a Biafran By UmehWrites

  • For someone that was born in Lagos many years after the end of the civil war, it should be expected that any talk about Biafra should sound like a myth or ancient story without undue influence on the new generation Igbo man, but truth be said; sometimes I feel more Biafran than Nigerian.
    Maybe it’s psychologically or emotionally influenced, maybe it’s based on ugly recurrence. But in this age and time, nobody really should talk about war, dialogue is better! But are both parties ready to dialogue?

    Growing up in a country with many tribes, some of which are eager to stab the other on the back to favor them self, or a person from their tribe, should influence the life of anyone growing up under such happenings.

    Knowing well that the term One Nigeria is mainly used when one party has more to gain. When we are only Nigerians when the Super Eagles is playing, during election period, or when Ghanaians or any other country attacks a Nigerian. But in matters affecting the country as a whole, each tribe will first make moves that will favor its people.

    I agree, it’s time to move on, forget about the children that died of starvation during the war, forget about the women who got violated by opposing soldiers, and the fathers that died in battle; leaving thousands as orphans.

    After all, no one wants to experience the pain and turmoil of war again. But how do I keep calm when I see traces of events that led to the war repeat its self again?

    Let’s not talk about the threats and segmentation of Biafrans, or why we chose to vote in our own interest, or the statement of Mr. president saying those who didn’t vote him in should not expect much like those who did. No matter what; we will always overcome because we are strong, courageous, hardworking and independent people. And just like a lamp, even if we are put under a table we will still shine.

    Most of these things happen because of the power struggle among the elites. The ordinary man wants to live his life without strife, but the elites always think ahead, and discover new ways to manipulate the ordinary man.

    Best believe that many has set their mind for another war, best believe that many want peace to reign too. Many are okay to get the due respect, recognition and any act of segregation eliminated. If this is not done, then one major part of this country will continue to feel disdain, ignored or looked down on; thus fueling rage in their hearts.

    “When Morale persuasion fails, apply combat”
    Because you stay far from book haram inflicted zones or places where Biafra agitation is not much does not mean it cannot get to you if not curbed.
    But are the Israelites really ready to leave Egypt? Or is Egypt actually the land of Cannan Biafrans are running from?
    I think Israel should should first settle its internal dispute and have a plan, a solid plan before making attempts of succession – if it should.
    At the end, whatever that rage leads them to do; the effect will be felt by both the so called Goliath and David himself.
    A whirl wind is coming…. ikuku na’abia….

    Ask me again and I’ll keep saying this; there is no need for strife and backbiting. We are not in the era of settling disputes or misunderstanding via war; dialogue is a better tool.
    Wise words can cut deeper than the cut of a dagger.

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