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  • "Everywhere I Turn To I See Dead Bodies"; Nigerian EOD Technician Pays Tribute To Dead Colleagues
  • May God continue to protect those who have laid down their lives for the good of this country...A Nigerian Technician/Operator at EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) identified as Ezekiel Onoriode shared these brave words on his Facebook page recently. Read below;
    I stood there feeling so exhausted after hours of bullets exchange. Gun and dagger are still firmly rooted in my hand. My hand had turn red- blood dripping down my dagger onto something, or rather into someone.

    I have always wished to be as brave as the Spartans, but the war does not permit that. I fight to live, not to die in the hands of my enemies.

    Everywhere i turn to i see dead bodies, bodies of men who thought the greatest act of all is dying for their country, their people, their family, their friends, their ideology and for themselves. But what good is the greatest act? When am standing beside dead enemies who fought for their cause but ended up dying from my bullets and my brave colleagues bullets.

    I walk around the dead bodies, careful not to step on anyone as a sign of respect. I grabbed our flag yes Nigeria national flag and face the rising sun, asking myself where my last stand will be. But for now my destination is my obligation.

    Tribute to Nigeria armed forces and police men and women who died fighting to protect this country from the hands of terrorists.

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