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  • Valentine Special With Maxwell Onwordi
    Again, it is another Valentine’s Day. What does it mean to you?

    For lovers February 14 is a day to rejoice and be glad. Those who can afford special gifts buy them for their lovers. Some go for special outings and sometimes, break the six commandment. There are yet those who feign sickness or induce quarrel in order to escape the expenditures that usually come with such celebrations.

    Valentine’s Day, which has come to assume prominence in our cultural settings, will always take our mind back to the curiosity of how it all came about.

    Interestingly, Valentine’s day is not without its own controversy concerning date and originality. Known to have evolved from the Western world before its global acceptance, some argue that it originated from St, Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. His death was believed to have take place on February 14, 269AD, same day that was devoted to love lotteries.

    Another legend has it that St, Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer’s daughter who had become his friend, and signed it “from your valentine”.
    Again, another version said that St, Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius.

    Emperor Claudius , known to have involved in so many bloody things during his reign,  is believed to have outlawed marriages, when he needed more men to fortify his army, a development , which ran contrary to the love life of the Roman. Saint Valentine, then a priest in Rome teamed up with Saint Marius to secretly wed couples. This act angered Emperor Claudius and Valentine as dragged before the perfect of Rome who ordered that he be put to death, an act believed to have taken place on February 14, 270. It was also believed the Romans practiced an ancient custom celebrated in the month of February known as Lupercalia, in Honors of a heathen god. What obtained during this ceremony, is that the names of young women were placed in a box from which they were drown by the men as directed by discarding the pagan aspect of it instead, the names of saints were entered for those maidens.

    In view of the fact that the feast of Lupercalia was celebrated in February, these men of God were believed to have chosen Saint Valentine’s Day for the celebration of this new feast. 

    Well, the origin of Valentine’s Day notwithstanding, the fact still remains that it has come to gain global acceptance. An indication that mankind is favorably disposed to celebrate the love letter word: LOVE.

    Nigerians has no doubt but to caught the bug as people see it as a time to reiterate and, or practically demonstrate how much their partners mean to them.

    It’s usually a remarkable time for lovers: a time for romance and sharing of love. Eateries and choice places become a beehive of activities a business becomes brisker. Cards of different shades and color begin to fly around.

    Better still, lovers will find time to exchange romantically worded text messages. Truly, the cell phone has become a medium of expressing love among the adults and teenagers.

    Children young enough to still sit at granny’s feet and be listen to bedtime stories would abandon school on that day and sneak around seedy brothel s with their equally misguided partners.
    That is certainly not the way to celebrate Valentine ’s day. But who should we blame? People says that is what we get for aping foreign cultures and trying to be more catholic than the pope himself.

    For ladies who are worried or arrested in her thought about being single this valentine. In her thought she has this running in her mind “I don’t have a lover, I don’t think any man will want to buy me a gifts or take me out on that day” My special advice for you young lady ‘KNOCK IT OFF”!!!!! Don’t let that thought make you feel like a crap. Valentine gift and outing doesn’t validate how cute, sexy and appreciated you are lady. Take away that mind set from your beautiful soul because the worse loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself. No matter how you feel, GET UP, DRESS UP, SHOW UP AND NEVER GIVE UP. I hope this speak to any lady out there who feels like a loner.

    Nevertheless, for those who believe it is a day they can find love, there is no harm in giving it a try.

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