In a bid to train people and prepare them for the festive season, a
“Santa University” has begun teaching would-be Santas in the corporate
offices of Noerr Programs in Colorado, a digital event imaging provider.
The US “university” offers a 4-day intensive course to its 70-member
class each summer. Lessons focus on: how to pose for photography, how to
deal with social media and how to respond to a children asking for
“impossible” Christmas presents.
However, to even become one of the 70 students in the Santa class is not an easy task. Candidates have to get through several rounds of interviews and a background check.
According to Noerr, the would-be-Santas come from all walks of life but most were previously actors, shoolteachers, toy makers or children’s counselors. The ability to speak multiple languages and having a natural beard are definitely pluses to the candidates, according to the company.
Once graduating from the training, these Santa Claus will begin their work and also be paid according to how they perform and the market they are going into.
However, to even become one of the 70 students in the Santa class is not an easy task. Candidates have to get through several rounds of interviews and a background check.
According to Noerr, the would-be-Santas come from all walks of life but most were previously actors, shoolteachers, toy makers or children’s counselors. The ability to speak multiple languages and having a natural beard are definitely pluses to the candidates, according to the company.
Once graduating from the training, these Santa Claus will begin their work and also be paid according to how they perform and the market they are going into.
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