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  • Sleeping Couple Wakes up Midnight to Find a Naked Man in Bed With Them (Photos)
  • A shocked couple are yet to recover from the shock they received when they woke up in the middle of the night... to find a naked stranger in their bed sleeping alongside them.

    Just before 2am, A naked man 25, was found in the bed of a couple in their Sackville Street home in Sydney, Australia.

    The couple, named as Katie and Chris, spoke out after the horrifying ordeal.
    Katie said: "Chris is on one side, I'm in the middle and then our stranger on the end right in with us.
    "So just the sense of someone next to me who shouldn't be there.
    "He was asleep, I could feel heat."
    After Katie woke up Chris, the man was challenged and fled the home.
    However the couple called the police and managed to trap him in their home until officers arrived to make an arrest.

    SMH !!! There is more to this story than meets the eye. The wife has a lot of explaining to do

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