31 year old Nigerian UK immigrant
Adewale Adewole pictured above has been arrested by UK police
for posing as a Royal Marine commando named Timmy Francis on the dating
website Match.com and duping four women of £100,000.
The married father of three, according to police reports, claimed to run an orphanage in Africa and was looking for romance under the motto: 'To live and love' with online nickname 'Charismatic Brit'. But after charming the unsuspecting women, he then claimed he needed money saying he had been mugged while attending to his 'orphanage'.
The women who were in search of love all sent him cash and paid his hotel bills, only for him to transfer the money into the bank account of his wife who shared his home with their two children in Eccles, Greater Manchester.
At an earlier court hearing Miss Brandon said the four victims were registered with Match.com and did not know each other.
Source: UK Daily Mail
The married father of three, according to police reports, claimed to run an orphanage in Africa and was looking for romance under the motto: 'To live and love' with online nickname 'Charismatic Brit'. But after charming the unsuspecting women, he then claimed he needed money saying he had been mugged while attending to his 'orphanage'.
The women who were in search of love all sent him cash and paid his hotel bills, only for him to transfer the money into the bank account of his wife who shared his home with their two children in Eccles, Greater Manchester.
who caught up with father-of-three Adewole discovered he had used the
women's cash to splash out on iPads, TVs and designer clothes plus
electronic and musical items such as a glitterball and a keyboard
thought to be worth in total tens of thousands of pounds.
after he was jailed for four years, officers auctioned off the
confiscated items in a bid to repay the victims - only for it to yield
just £2,000.
It means the women will get back only hundreds of pounds each - with one victim getting just £199.
It is not known what happened to £4,500 in cash which Adewole kept under his bed and insisted was his.
a proceeds of crime hearing at Manchester Crown Court, prosecutor Miss
Louise Brandon said: 'The value of the loss was £98,140 and from that
there is an available amount of £2,213.71 but the prosecution have four
complainants who lost considerable amounts of money.
available items were mainly electrical that the police auctioned off so
it would mean getting that money from the auction. The compensation
orders have been reached proportionally but unfortunately it is no where
near what they did give but it is all we can get. The complainants are
fully aware that it was unlikely they would get it back.'
Source: UK Daily Mail
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