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  • MUST READ:4 Warning Signs That You Are Definitely Not Ready To Get Engaged
  • 1. Communication is a struggle

    This seems like an obvious caveat, but it’s surprising how many couples (even ones who have been together for forever) don’t practice what they preach when it comes to communication. It doesn’t matter if you met in college and have been dating for the past five years, if both of you can’t have an open discussion about where your relationship is going, that’s a significant warning sign. Some couples communicate effectively naturally, while for others it can be more of a struggle. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t meant to be together or couldn’t have a successful marriage, but it’s definitely a key consideration that you should slow down and work on building on your communication before making a huge commitment.

    2. You aren’t able to laugh together (and at each other)

    Life is full of surprises, and sometimes you just have to be able to laugh at whatever comes your way. If you aren’t comfortable poking a bit of fun at each other, it’s a sign that you might be insecure about some aspect of your relationship or yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in all the glamour and glory of getting engaged and having a wedding, but ultimately you’re committing to doing this thing called life with somebody. Whether that means changing dirty diapers down the road or dealing with financial issues, you both need to be on the same page when it’s time to put things in perspective.

    3. Getting engaged just seems like the “next step”

    Getting engaged shouldn’t feel like the next step—it should feel like an annoying period of time you have to wait before starting your married life together. A lot of relationships are a product of convenience. Some relationships become a place where you enable each other in negative habits, from low self-esteem to drug use. More commonly, this type of situation happens after you’ve been living together for a while, and getting engaged seems like the next item on the checklist of your romantic life. Either way, all of these scenarios don’t involve two independent people making a decision to spend their lives together.

    4. You’re not confident in who you are individually

    In order for two people to make a commitment to each other and their future, both people need to know what he or she is bringing to the picture. This is also especially important for having effective communication; knowing and accepting your personality, desires, and fears will make it that much easier to relate and communicate with your partner. You don’t have to have everything figured out to get married, but you should be confident in who you are and what you want out of life.


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