“You’re right.”
Disagreements happen, and regardless of who you’re arguing with — a
needy partner, a negative neighbor, a power-hungry boss — this little
phrase is highly effective in cutting conflict. You can figure out the
details later, but this helps a ton in managing integrity when emotions
flare up.
“I never even think about my ex anymore.”
Exes come up, but not always in a wistful way. Not always in a
vengeful, angry way, either. It’s just a fact that spending any
significant amount of time with someone romantically means they will
occasionally make cameos in your brain until you die (hopefully not from
all the cameos, which sounds potentially exhausting). However, this
might be the exact ticket to grant a S.O. some mental peace. Let them
have it. Would you really wanna know the truth of how often their exes
make brain cameos, and in what capacity? Nope, no thanks.
“I’m so full!”
If food looks or is definitely gross and you’d prefer to skip it, this is a good way to do so while sparing feelings.
“This tastes awesome!”
For when you don’t get “I’m so full!” out first.
“Sorry, I was asleep.”
When A Bad Idea starts texting you around drunk o’clock and you’d
prefer not to engage in the shit-show shenanigans, this lie rules when
told in the morning. At that time, when the sender is hopefully sober,
they can be left to figure out how to proceed.
“You look great!”
This one, however, shouldn’t be more enthusiastic than necessary, and
should be practiced sparingly. For example, if you’re getting ready
with a friend to go out and you can definitely see her thong through her
skirt, say something. But if you meet up someone and y’all are already
in public, default here. It’s a classic white lie for a reason: It can
be applied to outfits, haircuts, etc. This is the mother of all innocent
lies, followed closely by …
“I love my gift!”
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