One day in the summer of 2010, a man was digging in his garden in
northern France when he discovered a trash bag containing the remains of
an infant. When he summoned the police, they found the body of another
newborn. A few days later, they found more bags in the garage — with six
additional small corpses.
Police contacted the house's previous owners, and quickly discovered the
horrifying explanation: Frenchwoman Dominique Cottrez confessed to
secretly bearing and then killing eight of her newborns, saying she
feared they were children of a long, incestuous relationship with her
However, forensic exams on the remains of the eight
infants, and tests on her two living grown daughters showed that all
were fathered by Cottrez's husband, according to court documents.
Cottrez, 51, went on trial Thursday in the city of Douai, accused of multiple counts of first-degree murder of minors.
Her memories became blurred for the following births and deaths. The last infanticide was in 2000.
In a January interview with a local newspaper, she said: "I never gave first names to the babies. The first one, I saw he was a baby boy. The others, I didn't look, I didn't want to. But when they were in the garage, when it was cold, I went there and covered them with a blanket. "
Cottrez, 51, went on trial Thursday in the city of Douai, accused of multiple counts of first-degree murder of minors.
Cottrez wept as she took her seat. She faces life in prison if found guilty.
Her lawyers were expected to argue that she was a victim of rape and incest, and ask for a lesser sentence.
The worst infanticide case in modern French history stunned the country
when the bodies were discovered in and around the Cottrez' former home
in 2010.
Cottrez's obesity appeared to hide the pregnancies, which went unnoticed
by her husband, children, neighbors, colleagues and even doctors at a
nearby hospital.
She has told investigators she was mocked as "fatty" in school and
closed herself up at the farm with her father, who accepted her as she
In court on Thursday, the prosecutor asked if she enjoyed being pregnant
with her two daughters, Emiline, 28, and Virginie, 27, both present at
the hearing. Cottrez replied, "Yes, for Emiline I liked it, but only for
Dozens of forensic and psychiatric experts, police investigators and
witnesses, including her husband, daughters and siblings, will take the
stand to help understand the incomprehensible, and perhaps to help the
defendant, who sobbed repeatedly during the first day's hearing, to open
A withdrawn, secretive nurse's aide, Cottrez told investigators she was
raped by her father, first when she was 8 and repeatedly through her
childhood and teenage years, according to judicial documents. She later
entered a long, incestuous relationship with him as an adult, including
after she married, and said that it became consenting and even said she
was in love with her father more than she was with her husband.
One of the first witnesses called to the stand Thursday is Leonard
Meriaux, who bought the Cottrez family house and discovered the first
corpse in 2010. He called police, who found another in the garden.
From one interrogation to another, the police went from surprise to
stupor. Cottrez first admitted killing the two infants found in the
garden. Then she herself informed the investigators that several other
bodies were in the garage of the house, but she didn't know how many
exactly, according to court documents.
She told the investigating judge that she had never used contraception
or had an abortion because of a phobia of doctors. She also said she
didn't keep the babies because she was afraid that they were the results
of her incestuous relations with her father. She said the killing had
become a "means of contraception," according to the judicial documents.
She said she told her father of the eight pregnancies and the eight
murders, and investigators believe he could have helped her hide some of
the bodies.
The death she described the most clearly is the first one, in 1989. She
said she smothered the baby boy with sheets, placed him in a trash bag
that she had prepared in advance, and put the bag in her wardrobe,
according to the documents.
The second killing happened when she was hospitalized for an epilepsy
seizure. She said she gave birth in the hospital toilet, strangled the
child, wrapped it in plastic sheeting and towels, placed it in the
closet of her hospital room and then brought it back home, hidden in her
garment bag.
Her husband and daughters say they noticed foul odors in various parts
of the house, but thought they came from sewage, or their dog, or even
their father's feet.
Cottrez was released from jail in 2012 after spending two years in temporary detention.
In a January interview with a local newspaper, she said: "I never gave first names to the babies. The first one, I saw he was a baby boy. The others, I didn't look, I didn't want to. But when they were in the garage, when it was cold, I went there and covered them with a blanket. "
The verdict is expected next Thursday.
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