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  • Do's And Dont's Of Dating For Women

  • when going on a date Ladies....

    1) Alot of females think its better to show cleavage legs etc but sometimes doesn't always work in their favour yes the guy would be interested but might be the wrong interest.
    Midi dresses are now the new dating wear, bodycons too .
    Its ok to wear a fitting dress as long as you have the right body shape for it and not too revealing .leave a littke for imagination smiley

    2) Now heels, girls a lil mid heel or kitten heel will do. Why wear 6 inches and cant walk its not a good look be yourself you don't have to rock 6inch heels to look mature or classy .

    3) Makeup. Yes by all means use makeup but try the Unclad look (best). Light colours and a foundation that matches your skin tone. Its more natural and blending some guys wont even know uve got makeup on . You don't want to hug the guy and ruin his shirt or top with brown stains lol not cute

    4)Furthermore women need to have control , just cause a man is taking u out means u should start ordering the world plus thing u will never eat u will order , drinks etc pls don't form high class angry offer to even pay too the guy would respect you more .

    5)phones, ladies pls on a date is not the time to take selfies, or pics of venue, food etc. its not cute! You can tell your friend all about the date when u get home .

    6)Try not to keep any major secrets i.e maybe after a few dates he now finds out uve been married before, or have a child etc better to put your cards on the table and what will be will be.

    7)Try to have serious and intelligent convo this shows your not just an Air head

    8 )When on a date please do not keep asking the guy about his work, business or money you may come across as a gold digger . If the guy decides to tell you about his work then fine . Dont ask him how much he earns either .

    9) Ladies DO NOT talk about your ex on a date .. No guy wants to hear it on first date .some chics go on and on and on about their ex and it can put guys off.

    10)Never offer sex on the first day .. The guy would just think oh well this one is not wifey material let me use n go since she's offering.

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