The avalanche of proponents that have consistently corroborated the 21st
century believe that: women should test their husband-to-be to ensure
he is good in bed, is just another one of the many excuses people raise
up to encourage traditions and fashions that will further proliferate
immorality and further take sodomize this world,the supporting arguments
are all lies from the pit of hell.
Here are the reasons below:
1. If you are satisfied with him sexually, is he satisfied?
In a lady's quest to ensure that he marries a sexually active man, are you sure you will/have satisfied him, then the man has equal right to put an end to that relationship no matter how far it has gone - leading to lost of time(months and years) and potential suitors that gave up on you when you were in that relationship.
2. The tester may end up being decieved by an hit and run
some people can easily fake a non-existent readiness to marry you and in the end, when the crown of victory has been won for making love with you in your quest to find out for sexual compatibiliy, that partner looks for silly excuses to say it's over.
3. At what point will the test be certified tested OK.
I will never encourage anyone to make love on a first date, or even engage in premarital sex, so if this holds, and perhaps after some dates and a lady/guy that believe in testing for sexual compatibility engages in the testing excercise,when will you finish collecting samples to complete your research,how many times, and how long. Won't be surprised if this same person engages in mocking people that are prostitute - what then are you? Lets say after some years of testing,you found the partner not OK,what tells you the next will be?
4. You the tester,may become the tested.
The partner may even be dumped the next day after she had a certified OK test with her partner, only for her to find out that she didn't reciprocate same. this happening more than once in a lady's life ,will surely lead to a shattered heart torn in pieces.
5. The partner you certified OK, may even fail the next day.
The most amusing fact is that africans before the 21st centuryHardly engage in courtship and yet they grow old together and die loving each other forever. We have courtship and we are still unsatisfied. Your partner that has been superb in bed, may become weak when you are married,what happens? Would you cheat to augment? Sue for divorce? See beyond sex as the only pillar of marriage,so far the man/woman can procreate? The world want to make us believe we can figure every thing out all by ourselves,but truly,marriage is a leap of faith. The test you carried out may even make you a young baby mama after 9 months or worst still you tried aborting and ended up with a spoilt womb,will you still insisit on testing afterwards,because i doubt if majority do this test with condoms.
6. The partner may be using some sexual enhancers.
We can't deny the existence of sexual enhancers,what will you do when he stops after marriage. If this is the basis for being married to men can go the extra mile to deicieve those that have this topmost in their criteria for an healthy marriage or relationship.
What would you do afterwards? Be the next sugar-mummy in town when he travels out? I won't advice so.
7. Would there be further test to confirm if both partner can procreate?
He is good in bed, she is very experienced,bla bla bla, etc. Is he/she also good in making children? Would you get pregnant before going into marriage? This may be the next line of excuse for immorality,may be not now,may be in ten years time.
If marriage is all about sex,then the purpose is invalid.
Casual sex is as rampant as the days go,Marriage should be also about companionship, friendship, and a union where two people support each others to reach their most cherished heart desires. No matter how it is painted pre-marital sex as a way of ensuring he/she will be good in bed is decietful and mostly counter productive.
Here are the reasons below:
1. If you are satisfied with him sexually, is he satisfied?
In a lady's quest to ensure that he marries a sexually active man, are you sure you will/have satisfied him, then the man has equal right to put an end to that relationship no matter how far it has gone - leading to lost of time(months and years) and potential suitors that gave up on you when you were in that relationship.
2. The tester may end up being decieved by an hit and run
some people can easily fake a non-existent readiness to marry you and in the end, when the crown of victory has been won for making love with you in your quest to find out for sexual compatibiliy, that partner looks for silly excuses to say it's over.
3. At what point will the test be certified tested OK.
I will never encourage anyone to make love on a first date, or even engage in premarital sex, so if this holds, and perhaps after some dates and a lady/guy that believe in testing for sexual compatibility engages in the testing excercise,when will you finish collecting samples to complete your research,how many times, and how long. Won't be surprised if this same person engages in mocking people that are prostitute - what then are you? Lets say after some years of testing,you found the partner not OK,what tells you the next will be?
4. You the tester,may become the tested.
The partner may even be dumped the next day after she had a certified OK test with her partner, only for her to find out that she didn't reciprocate same. this happening more than once in a lady's life ,will surely lead to a shattered heart torn in pieces.
5. The partner you certified OK, may even fail the next day.
The most amusing fact is that africans before the 21st centuryHardly engage in courtship and yet they grow old together and die loving each other forever. We have courtship and we are still unsatisfied. Your partner that has been superb in bed, may become weak when you are married,what happens? Would you cheat to augment? Sue for divorce? See beyond sex as the only pillar of marriage,so far the man/woman can procreate? The world want to make us believe we can figure every thing out all by ourselves,but truly,marriage is a leap of faith. The test you carried out may even make you a young baby mama after 9 months or worst still you tried aborting and ended up with a spoilt womb,will you still insisit on testing afterwards,because i doubt if majority do this test with condoms.
6. The partner may be using some sexual enhancers.
We can't deny the existence of sexual enhancers,what will you do when he stops after marriage. If this is the basis for being married to men can go the extra mile to deicieve those that have this topmost in their criteria for an healthy marriage or relationship.
What would you do afterwards? Be the next sugar-mummy in town when he travels out? I won't advice so.
7. Would there be further test to confirm if both partner can procreate?
He is good in bed, she is very experienced,bla bla bla, etc. Is he/she also good in making children? Would you get pregnant before going into marriage? This may be the next line of excuse for immorality,may be not now,may be in ten years time.
If marriage is all about sex,then the purpose is invalid.
Casual sex is as rampant as the days go,Marriage should be also about companionship, friendship, and a union where two people support each others to reach their most cherished heart desires. No matter how it is painted pre-marital sex as a way of ensuring he/she will be good in bed is decietful and mostly counter productive.
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