Well, this is not to say we are in any way suggesting that any guy should become a bad boy in order to get the ladies or that all women love the bad guys, instead, this article presents one or two things good guys can learn from supposedly bad boys to become a well rounded and sought after person. Of course, these things exclude the pompous and jerk attitude. Follow us as we talk about the 4 interesting facts below.
Bad boys will talk to any woman they meet
The bad boys are always ready to take the bull by the horns and seize the moment. The nice guys will spend much time building up the courage to walk up and lay his mind bare to the woman he has known for years and why he waits, over 10 bad guys would have already walked up to her. She would have most probably been dating one out of the 10 while the nice guy is mentally psyching himself up to walk up to her.
The bad boy who takes so much pride in self importance has no issues whatsoever with grappling with the things to say, even if he meets more than fifty girls in a month. More so, he doesn’t wallow in self pity if 49 out of the 50 girls reject him as he is happy with that 1 he is successful with especially since it puts him above the good guys who are afraid to talk to any girl they like.
Bad boys are confident
The truth is a lot of people have a dislike for guys that are cocky and full of pride but even more truthful is the fact that most people tend to dislike whiny and needy guys much more. A bad guy may have a lot of negativities but his “Who cares what anybody thinks of me?” demeanor is much more acceptable and attractive than the “I suck so much, I can’t get a date” attitude of a lot of nice guys. Thus, regarding attracting women, confidence plays a huge role and it always beats insecurity all the time.
Bad boys are charming
Women love to be charmed with looks, appearance and overall attitude and this attribute is a key feature of bad boys. Bad boys are manipulative charmers who can use humor and compliments on a girl to the fullest even when they don’t mean it. By the time a nice guy is able to mutter an awkward “I kind of like you” statement, she’s already far gone with the bad guy.
Bad boys will talk to even the most conservative of women
Any guy that has been to a club can relate to seeing girls who seem out of place and appear to hate every moment they spend therein like they were dragged there by their friends. These kind of girls look around and seem to focus their attention on any guy that has the guts to look their way and approach them. These girls are turnoffs for most guys but not for the bad boys who take their hostility in stride and allow it have no effect whatsoever on them.
The bad boy uses his charm to approach these hostile girls and builds a connection. Same thing goes for girls that most guys are afraid to approach or women that most guys think are way “out of their league”. You may have asked yourself a few times why a pretty girl you know is with a bad boy, it’s mostly because the good guys were too scared to approach her.
This is not to say that guys must be bad to make the world more interesting, but the world needs more confident guys who are willing to take the risk to approach and get to know all types of women. If this process is left to the bad guys, they will continually get most of the good women.
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