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  • Nursing Mothers And Sexual Intercourse
  • A friend of mine just put to bed a bouncing baby boy. I went visiting and we got to discuss a lot of things. She told me a lot of things...(I'm keeping ma mouth shut)....what got me concerned was that she said she had intercourse with the husband cos he insisted. At first I was shock but I feigned ignorant of that...when I left her I got to do a lot of research and decided to share it here cos I think der might be people in similar situation.
    Here are some questions I considered:
    Is a mother able to have intercourse with her husband while she is still nursing her baby?
    What effect does the mother's milk have on the child if she has intercourse while she is bosom feeding?
    How long should she wait after birth before she can have relations with her husband?
    ***i also heard somewhere that a woman doesn't dare give milk to her child once she has begun to have sexual relations. If she does it, the child will become sick and even die***
    The answer I was able to deduct from my research was : "Yes, a mother is able to have intercourse with her husband while she still nurses her baby, providing they wait for a few weeks after birth until her organs are back to normal.
    1. It takes from 4 to 6 weeks after birth for a woman's uterus to return to its normal state. There is a red discharge from the uterus after the baby is born which is called the lochia. It lasts about two weeks and tends to flow most when the mother is nursing her baby. Later the lochia becomes a lighter colour and then it finally stops.
    2. The father's sperm cannot enter into the milk and cause the baby to get sick.
    The best way a father should show his love to his child is to love the baby's mother. Mothers Please don't abstain from sex totally during bosom feeding because it pushes the impatient husbands to infidelity and fathers do not rush your wives, give them time to heal.
    It is even true that mothers who bosom-feed their babies are more interested in returning to active intercourse with their husbands as soon as possible after birth. They want to express the love and gratitude which they have in their hearts for the father of their child.
    I rest my case

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