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  • 13 Sure Ways to Know When Someone is Lying
  • Vocabulary
    Often times, a liar won’t use the words “I” or “me,” instead referring to himself/herself in the third person in order to deflect blame or responsibility. Sometimes, he/she will leave pronouns out altogether. For instance your boyfriend will say things like, “This guy was watching football,” or “Watching football!” instead of “I’m watching football.”

    Eye Contact

    A liar usually has a hard time looking someone directly in the eyes while he/she is lying. It’s easier to lie while looking at the wall next to someone than looking right at the person.

    Touching of the Face or Sudden Change in head Position

    A person who is lying may touch his/her face a lot, especially the nose, ears, mouth and throat. A liar won’t usually touch his/her chest with an open hand, however.They change their head position quickly.
    If you see someone suddenly make a head movement when you ask them a direct question, they may be lying to you about something.
    "The head will be retracted or jerked back, bowed down, or cocked or tilted to the side. This will often happen right before the person is expected to respond to a question.

    Usually, if you ask someone what they did last Tuesday, he/she have to stop and think about it for a few moments. A liar, however, will have a story already planned out if he/she is trying to cover something up. Unless the person you are talking to has an exceptionally good memory and always launches into stories this way, this should be a red flag.

    If a person is lying about something that involves emotions, such as love, it should show on his/her face. When a person fakes an emotion, it generally is only shown in the mouth. For instance, someone can smile with his/her mouth, but it won’t go all the way to his/her eyes if it is insincere.

    Thou Doth Protest Too Much
    Liars will often insist that they are telling the truth and often. They will say that they “swear” they are telling the truth or will start a statement with “to be perfectly honest.” If you really are telling the truth, you don’t need to say all of these things. This is usually a sign of a guilty conscience trying to hide something.

    Extra Details

    A liar will often give extra details that aren’t really necessary. They think they are making their case stronger, but in reality, the extra details just look fishy.For instance, if you ask your boyfriend whose phone number you found in his pocket when you were doing laundry, he could just simply say it is something to do with work and leave it at that. But he might freak out and say something like, “I was at work, and Mike wanted me to help him out with a project he is working on, so he gave me the phone number to an advertising company so I could call them for him,” and on and on. If the phone number really was for work, you didn’t really need to know all of those details.Now instead of having a solid story, he has guilty written all over him.

    Change in Tone of Voice
    A liar will often unconsciously change his/her tone of voice when telling a lie, either higher or lower than normal.

    Dilated Pupils
    When people lie, they get stressed; and when people get stressed, their pupils will often dilate. If the darks of her eyes get bigger, she might be pulling a fast one on you.

    Creating Obstacles

    Liars may subconsciously put objects between themselves and the person they are lying to. They may walk around to the other side of the table, try to speak to you from another room or simply put their books or coffee cup between you on the table. This can also include their own arms, as liars will often cross their arms over their chests.

    They Stand Very Still.
    It's common knowledge that people fidget when they get nervous, but you should also watch out for people who are not moving at all. This may be a sign of the primitive neurological 'fight,' rather than the 'flight,' response, as the body positions and readies itself for possible confrontation. When you speak and engage in normal conversation, it is natural to move your body around in subtle, relaxed, and, for the most part, unconscious movements. So if you observe a rigid, catatonic stance devoid of movement, it is often a huge warning sign that something is off."

    They Provide Too Much Information.
    When someone goes on and on and gives you too much information — information that is not requested and especially an excess of details — there is a very high probability that he or she is not telling you the truth, Liars often talk a lot because they are hoping that, with all their talking and seeming openness, others will believe them.

    They Stare at You Without Blinking Much.

    When people lie, it's common that they break eye contact, but the liar could go the extra mile to maintain eye contact in attempt to control and manipulate you.
    [Bernie] Madoff, like most con men, overcompensated and stared at people longer than usual, often without blinking at regular intervals, When people tell the truth, most will occasionally shift their eyes around and may even look away from time to time. Liars, on the other hand, will use a cold, steady gaze to intimidate and control. Also watch out for rapid blinking. 

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