Heather Mack has been sentenced to 10 years for the 'sadistic' murder of
her mother in a crime dubbed the 'body in the suitcase' killing.Her
sentence came just minutes after her boyfriend Tommy Schaefer, 21, was
jailed for 18 years at a court in Denpasar, Bali yeaterday.
According to Dailymail, Mack, 19, from Chicago was found guilty of helping Schaefer stuff the body of her mother into a suitcase. Tears rolled down Miss Mack's face as the interpreter told her the judges were sending her to jail for the next 10 years.
The sentence has shown, however, that the judges had considered pleas by the defence that she was a young mother with a month-old baby and she had not contributed to the death of her own mother.
'Taking into account the 340 chapter of criminal code and other related laws, (panel) declared that the defendant Tommy Schaefer has been legally and convincingly guilty of committing premeditated murder,' Judge Suweda said.
'Therefore the defendant is sentenced to 18 years in jail.' He described Schaefer's actions as sadistic, but said his politeness and remorse during the trial saved him from the heavier sentence.
The fact the judge and his colleagues decided not to reduce the 18 years demanded by the prosecution suggested they would also show no mercy to Mack, 19. The sentences mean that Schaefer will be 39 years old when he is released from Kerobokan Jail.And when Mack is released, her daughter will be 10 years old.
Mack's defence team claimed that during the fatal argument between her mother and Schaefer, she had run and hid in the bathroom - but had then helped her boyfriend push her mother's body into the suitcase because she panicked and because he was the father of the child she was carrying.
In the final hours before Mack learned of her fate, she told People magazine that tending to her newborn daughter keeps her from dwelling on what the coming day may bring.
She is allowed to keep her baby in prison with her for two years, and Mack said she couldn't bare to give her up.
According to Dailymail, Mack, 19, from Chicago was found guilty of helping Schaefer stuff the body of her mother into a suitcase. Tears rolled down Miss Mack's face as the interpreter told her the judges were sending her to jail for the next 10 years.
The sentence has shown, however, that the judges had considered pleas by the defence that she was a young mother with a month-old baby and she had not contributed to the death of her own mother.
But Judge Suweda said: 'She failed to contact the police after the murder. Instead she had run away.'Moments earlier, the judge jailed Schaefer to 18 years in prison. He said the violence of the crime - in which Schaefer was described as battering Sheila von Wiese-Mack to death - had shocked Bali by its brutality.
'Taking into account the 340 chapter of criminal code and other related laws, (panel) declared that the defendant Tommy Schaefer has been legally and convincingly guilty of committing premeditated murder,' Judge Suweda said.
'Therefore the defendant is sentenced to 18 years in jail.' He described Schaefer's actions as sadistic, but said his politeness and remorse during the trial saved him from the heavier sentence.
'Although I do take full responsibility for my actions, I am not a murderer,' Scahefer said after hearing the verdict.It was not immediately clear if the defence planned to appeal.
The fact the judge and his colleagues decided not to reduce the 18 years demanded by the prosecution suggested they would also show no mercy to Mack, 19. The sentences mean that Schaefer will be 39 years old when he is released from Kerobokan Jail.And when Mack is released, her daughter will be 10 years old.
Mack's defence team claimed that during the fatal argument between her mother and Schaefer, she had run and hid in the bathroom - but had then helped her boyfriend push her mother's body into the suitcase because she panicked and because he was the father of the child she was carrying.
In the final hours before Mack learned of her fate, she told People magazine that tending to her newborn daughter keeps her from dwelling on what the coming day may bring.
She is allowed to keep her baby in prison with her for two years, and Mack said she couldn't bare to give her up.
'I don't want to separate my family,' she said. 'It's too painful to think about having to be separated from my angel.'
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