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  • Photos: Top 10 Worst Dictators In Africa's History!

  • Throughout the annals of history, humanity
    has always tried to free itself. Africa has an
    eternal dance of people who were
    revolutionary who freed their people, those
    that became the modern day messiah’s only
    to enslave the very people that they were
    bound to save. Here is a list of 10 saviours
    who eventually turned into tyrants.

    Charles Taylor

    The first of many is Charles Taylor.
    Charles’s full name is Charles McArthur
    Ghankay Taylor and he was the 22nd
    president of Liberia. Charles ruled for eight
    years from 1997-2003. Taylor was born on
    January 28 1948 in a small town near
    Monrovia Liberia. Before he became the
    president of Liberia, Charles was a leader of
    a rebel group known as The National
    Patriotic Front of Liberia. Charles Taylor was
    accused of being a war time criminal who
    committed several atrocities and crimes
    against humanity, this is due to his
    involvement in the Sierra Leone Civil War
    that occurred between 1991 and 2002,
    Charles Taylor was eventually found guilty
    at the International criminal court of justice,
    The Hague in 2012 for all eleven charges
    ranging from terror, Conscripting or enlisting
    children under the age of 15 years into
    armed forces or groups, or using them to
    participate actively in hostilities, Violence to
    life, health and physical or mental well-being
    of persons, in particular cruel treatment and
    in May of that year, he was sentenced to 50
    years in prison. He is regarded as one of the
    worst dictators of Africa of the 21st century

    Paul Biya

    Paul hails from Cameroon and was born in
    February 13 1933. Politics was always in
    Biya’s blood, and he has managed to be
    president for several terms, he has been
    the President of Cameroon since 6 November
    1982. Biya has many critics for his lack of
    public appearances, but Biya wields his
    sweeping powers like a tyrant. He rules with
    his authoritarian fist that lets him essentially
    push any policies that he deems necessary.
    Though not the worst of the worst, Biya is
    one of the best known examples of
    authoritarianism. “Tyrants, the World’s 20
    Worst Living Dictators”, by David
    Wallechinsky, ranked Biya together with
    three others mainly in sub-Saharan
    Africa: Robert
    Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Teodoro Obiang
    Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea,
    and King Mswati of Swaziland. He was also
    ranked 19th in Parade Magazine’s Top 20
    list of “The World’s Worst Dictators”

    Robert Mugabe

    Uncle Roo is the quintessential hero to
    tyrant, the modern day messiah that helped
    bring freedom to Zimbabweans only to get
    himself power drunk, he has been in power
    since 1980. Robert Gabriel Mugabe is a man
    who needs no introduction. Mugabe is an
    odd man when it comes to dictators. He has
    the illusion of democracy on one hand while
    he oppresses the white Zimbabwe people
    with the other, Robert Mugabe has been
    viewed as being racist towards white people,
    targeting white citizens in various ways. To
    make him even more confusing, a number of
    Africans consider Mugabe a hero in their
    eyes. Mugabe has committed many crimes
    against human rights according to news
    sources. In Mugabe’s words he has referred
    to lesbians and gays as being “worse than
    dogs and pigs” Though his worst crimes are
    wielding his authoritarian power to strip
    white people of their wealth and property. In
    the international scene, he is regarded by

    many, especially the white folks as one of
    the worst dictators of Africa ever

    General Sanni Abacha

    Abacha hails from Nigeria and though he
    only retained power for a scant five years, he
    managed to commit a lifetime of crimes in
    this time period. He declared his government
    to be above the law and he essentially did
    whatever he wanted. Sanni Abacha has been
    described by political pundits as “the most
    brutal dictator of the west African
    powerhouse”. He ruled his nation with
    impunity. Though unconfirmed, rumours
    emanating from official circles has it that the
    senior military officer died in sexual bouts
    with Indian prostitutes. He will always be
    remembered for the 1995 killing of the
    political and environmental activist, Ken Saro
    Wiwa. He was also responsible for five
    billion dollars in stolen funds . It
    is believed that his family still holds a
    significant amount of these ill gotten gains.
    General Sani Abacha is one of the worst
    dictators of Africa

    Sekou Toure

    Sekou Toure was only to be president of
    Guinea for four years. He managed to rule it
    for three decades from 1958-1984. He
    declared Guinea a one party state. Toure
    was another typical case of someone that
    was initially seen as the ‘Guinean Messiah’,
    but later became a pain to his people. Toure
    who was one time leader of the Pan-
    Africanist movement consistently spoke out
    against colonial powers, he befriended
    African American activists that includes the
    like of Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael, to
    whom he offered asylum. He is survived
    through the Guineans who fled the country
    to avoid the death camps that were enacted
    under his watch. Many of his political
    opponents were executed in these camps.
    (Quote) (Report) (Like) 3 Shares (Share)
    I was itchin' to kill and you was ready to die.
    Re: Top 10 Worst Dictators In Africa's History! Photo by Borrussia: 9:42am On Apr 23

    Macias Nguema

    Macias Nguema was the son of a witch
    doctor. Nguema was the first president of
    Guinea. Though not as brutal as some other
    dictators, he managed to do some of the
    weirdest crimes out there. Some of his
    crimes include stalking his mistresses’
    former lovers. Other crimes he committed
    were intellectual murder by killing the
    intellectuals of his country. According to
    reports , more than a third of Equatorial
    Guinea’s population had to flee to other
    countries to escape his brutal reign. It was
    also reported that he ordered execution of
    entire families and villages, during the time
    of his reign, the country had neither a
    development plan nor proper accounting
    system for government funds. Macias
    Nguema trusted no one, he spent most of
    his time in his ancestral village of Mongomo,
    where he kept the national treasury right
    under his bed or in suitcases in his hut, but
    on the 18th of August in 1979, he met his
    end by his own nephew who sentenced him
    to death. His nephew Teodoro Obiang
    Nguema is still in power to this day.

    Said Barre

    Siad Barre was a man who seized power
    and stayed in power from October 21 1969
    to January 26 1991. He adopted socialism
    to the so called needs of Somalia. His
    influences came from countries such as
    China and Russia. Though he attempted a
    lot of good, Barre committed a significant
    amount of human rights violations such as
    jailing dissidents. Barre was also very well
    known for using his power to remove all
    opposition or people who just didn’t like.
    Barre died in political exile in 1995, but was
    returned to Somalia for burial in his home

    Omar Al-Bashir

    Omar Al-bashir is a more recent case of
    dictators. His biggest call to fame was in
    March 4 2009 when he was issued an arrest
    warrant. Omar has been charged with seven
    crimes against humanity. Omar planned to
    commit genocide against several ethnic
    groups such as the Massalit and Zaghawa
    groups, Omar is regarded by many today as
    one of the worst dictators of Africa.

    Hissene Habre

    Hissene Habre is one of dictators that didn’t
    do too much, but still is a dictator. His rise
    to power was from Libya invading Chad.
    Habre and his troops defeated Libyan troops
    and sent them packing in November 1981.
    However, many human rights groups hold
    Habre responsible for killing thousands of
    people. These killings include massacres
    against Hadjerai, and Zaghawa. The Human
    Rights watch charged him with authorizing
    the murders of tends of thousands of
    humans and torturing them while under his

    General Idi Amin Dada

    Ever seen that 1981 movie titled “Rise and

    Fall of Idi Amin ” or 1976 “Raid on Entebee“?
    – Kind of brings back some old memories,
    what about “The Last King of
    Scotland” (2006) that earned Forest
    Whitaker Academy awards best actor, these
    movies are based on the events of the brutal
    Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. Idi Amin is
    someone that doesn’t need too much
    introduction, he is one of the worst dictators
    of the last 20th century, also known as the
    “Butcher of Uganda”. This 6 feet 4 inches
    tall Ugandan boxing champion made the
    highest rank possible for a Black African
    serving in the British Army. This man
    committed some unbelievable brutality that
    only modern day Mexican drug cartels would
    touch, It is belived that at least 300,000
    people were killed during his regime. He was
    born some time in the mid 1920s in Koboko
    Uganda and died in August 18 2003. This
    butcher left his mark on the world by using
    his infamous killer squads to murder his
    opponents and their families. He showed no
    mercy to anyone. The scariest thing about
    Amin was his ability to change from a
    gentleman to an incredibly angry person
    with no provocation. Amin is some that has
    been described as erratic, unpredictable and
    outspoken. After the United Kingdom broke
    off all diplomatic relations with his regime in
    1977, Amin declared he had defeated the
    British and conferred on himself this full title:
    “His Excellency, President for Life,
    Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin
    Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the
    Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the
    Seas and Conqueror of the British
    Empire in Africa in General and Uganda
    in Particular”

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