A single mum is desperately saving every cent to fly to the U.S. for her
three-year-old daughter's ear to be reconstructed so she doesn't get
bullied about the birth defect when she starts school.
You would never know to meet Autumn Byas, from Bass Hill in southwest
Sydney, that she was born with a congenital deformity because her
confidence and lust for life is oozing out of the energetic little girl.
The adorable little girl may only be able to hear from her left ear but
that doesn't doesn't stop her great love for music and dancing.
But her mother, Tanya Byas, has been on a mission since her daughter was
born with microtia to get to California for Autumn to have an operation
because she can't have surgery in Australia until she is 10 years old -
in seven years' time.
The condition, that affects about one baby in every 8,000-10,000
births, is treated differently in Australia with medical professionals
using rib cartilage from the 10 year-old patient to recreate the ear,
which takes six months to recreate.However in America, the surgical technique uses a synthetic framework and the body’s own tissue to create an ear during the eight-hour operation, meaning there are no age restrictions.
'They will use her good ear as a template and make it out of synthetic material but make it a bit bigger because ears only grow a little bit so when she grows up they will be even and they use her membrane skin to cover it,' Tanya explained.
Autumn will also need a jaw reconstruction when she is about 12 or 13 years old.
After scrimping, saving and fundraising, Tanya has booked her daughter in for the operation on June 2 but she is $20,000 short with just 10 weeks to go.
Although Autumn is deaf in her right ear, she speaks well and has no other health complications but her mother's worst fear is that she will be tormented when she starts school in two year's time for looking different.
- Culled from Mail Online
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