A study has revealed that husbands who do chores such as cooking, washing the dishes, doing the laundry or other traditionally female forms of housework, instead of sticking to ‘manly chores’ like cutting the hedge and mowing the lawn, have better sex life and more satisfaction in the bedroom.
Beyond the better sex, the study shows that couples who split housework fairly are the happiest between the sheets; they are most satisfied with their sex lives and express the highest level if sexual intimacy and satisfaction. In other words, dish soap makes a great lubricant.
Women are generally drawn to men who help around the house and feels more respected in a relationship where chores are done by both partners and when a woman feels more respected, she gives more of herself to her mate and the relationship prospers.
As it is also well known that women often use sex as a reward especially for partners who perform chores, isn’t that enough reason to do some dish washing?
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