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  • Man Wakes Up Finds Killer Crocodile Under His Bed
  • Guy Whittall will certainly be checking for 'monsters' underneath his bed, after waking up to find an eight foot crocodile hiding just inches from where he slept.
    The 330lbs giant had sneaked into the Humani lodge, Zimbabwe and spent the entire night lying quietly, just fractions beneath an oblivious Mr Whittall.
    The beast – a Nile crocodile – had managed
    to stay hidden for more than eight hours
    Astonishingly the giant beast managed to stay hidden for more than eight hours.
    Mr Whittall even perched on the edge of
    his bed organising his day – unaware of the
    fact that a 330lbs creature lay just fractions
    away from his dangling feet.
    But the 40-year-old remained oblivious to
    his uninvited guest and was only alerted
    when he was enjoying some breakfast in
    the kitchen and heard the petrified screams
    of a housemaid.
    Mr Whittall, who is a director at Humani,
    ran back to his room and was horrified to
    discover the enormous crocodile nestled
    under his bed.
    He said: 'The really disconcerting thing
    about the whole episode is the fact that I
    was sitting on the edge of the bed that
    morning, bare foot and just centimetres
    away from the croc. 'Crocodiles are experts
    at hiding, that's why they have survived on
    Earth for so long and why they are the
    ultimate killers in water.
    But the 40-year-old remained oblivious to
    his uninvited guest and was only alerted
    when he was enjoying some breakfast in
    the kitchen and heard the petrified screams
    of a housemaid
    Staff from the centre managed to get a rope
    around its head, and then dragged it out by
    its tail as it fought furiously
    Mr Whittall said he resisted being roped
    and hauled out from under the bed 'They
    know how to keep quiet and go unnoticed,
    it's in their nature. 'The crocodile came
    from the Turgwe River which is a couple of
    kilometres from the house.
    'They often wander about the bush
    especially when it's cold and raining. I think
    he liked it under the bed because it was
    'I just remember thinking "goodness
    gracious, that's one for the books". 'I'm
    pretty sure everyone in Humani checks
    under their bed before going to sleep now
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